FISHorizonBaseURL - The needed base url to access the API calls
Sandbox/Staging Base URL - https://api-gw-uat.fisglobal.com/rest/horizon
Production Base URL - https://api-gw2-prod1.fisglobal.com/rest/horizon
Override if necessary, but these will likely be accurate for all FIS Horizon clients
FISHorizonOrganizationId - Application setting to denote the client's organization id
FISHorizonSourceId - Application setting to denote the client's source id
FISHorizonAuthProfile - A “basic” authentication profile will need to be configured to house the client’s API user id and secret needed (in each environment)
FISHorizonAuthorization - An “OAuth2.0” authetication authentication profile will need to be configured to house the client’s Authentication client id and secret needed to get a bearer token (in each environment)
ImplServiceTokens - A row will need to be added to the table for "FISHorizonTokenProvider", see Rockland for an example