Key Features

StageFeatureFeature DescriptionMore Details 
CollectMulti-Channel IntakeStart or resume a claim in online banking, mobile banking, front office, back office, or branch.  
CollectUnified Intake WorkflowSupport all transaction types (ACH, ATM, Check, Credit, Debit, P2P, and Wire) in a single system, with a consistent, user-friendly workflow.  
CollectSupporting Documentation

The supporting documentation step includes flows for collecting documentation that is needed to support claim fulfillment.  The collection is broken down based on who provides the information. 

Supporting Documentation
CollectCorrespondence PreferencesSupport is included for print services, local printing, email, and secure messaging.  The system can be configured to evaluate data, such as contact information and opt-in indicators to determine what correspondence channels are allowed.


Correspondence Preferences

CollectDisclosuresDisclosures are dynamically generated and include information about resolution time and any initial interaction automation that is applied.  
CollectExternal Case Status Widget

The External Case Status Widget is used to convey information about the case to external parties, such as contact center users or customers, where supported. It provides a summary of the case as well as bullet points of information that are relevant to the external user, such information about any credits that have been issued, any documents that may be required, and when they can expect the case to be resolved.  Additionally, users can interact with the claim in several ways via this tool.

External Case Status
CollectDuplicate Dispute DetectionDetect and prevent duplicate disputes.Dispute Transactions
EnhancePending Transactions

QFD supports the ability to include pending transactions in a claim.  When pending transactions are included in a claim, QFD will check for new postings every 6 hours.  When new postings are available, QFD will evaluate them and attempt to make an automatic match.


This is primarily utilized for calling association services to retrieve clearing and authorization details.  Local services are also supported. 

Auto Enrichment
AnalyzeInitial Interaction Decision

Initial Interaction Decision introduces automation during initial contact with the account holder, such as issuing temporary or permanent credit or escalating the case for special review. This decision point determines what automated actions are executed related to provisional credit and pay/deny decisions. 

Initial Interaction Decision
AnalyzeProvisional Credit Automation

QFD provides several options for automating Provisional Credit based on various risk factors and documentation requirements.  When risk factors are present, or the amount of the claim exceeds configurable thresholds, the decision is left to a user.  Additionally, QFD will ensure that provisional credit is issued in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, if not already issued prior to the required date.

AnalyzeFee MaintenanceAutomatically detect fees that require review and perform fee maintenance. This maintenance includes refunding fees and making the appropriate adjustments for reversed fees.

Refund Fee

Reserve Fee Adjustments

AnalyzeMerchant Collaboration

QFD supports collaboration with card merchants via Ethoca and Verifi networks.  These integrations allow issuers to attempt recovery from the merchant before initiating a chargeback with the card association.  Merchant collaboration currently only supports card transactions.

AnalyzeMerchant Credit Checking

QFD provides automated merchant credit check algorithms to support quick and automatic dispute resolution.  This feature is available for ACH, BillPay, Card, and Zelle transactions.

Merchant Credits
AnalyzeAutomated Risk Index

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AnalyzeChargeback RulesAutomated claim evaluation to determine if the dispute is within chargeback time-frames and all the necessary information and documentation has been provided.
AnalyzeChargeback Automation

Rule-based decision points at each step in the recovery process, as well as direct integration with Visa and Mastercard. 

Recovery, Review Chargeback Preconditions
AnalyzeRegulatory Compliance

QFD is pre-configured with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure that regulatory requirements are satisfied. When applicable, regulatory SLA milestones are visible in Claim Details

Regulatory Service Level Agreements
AnalyzeDecision Review

This optional extension provides added control in your fulfillment process by requiring an escalated review of key, manual decision points.  Approvals can be enabled, with configurable thresholds, for the following user decisions: Deny, Provisional Credit, and Write Off.  When an approval flow is enabled, the decision that requires approval is suspended until a manager completes the review assignment.  The manager can approve the decision and the flow resumes, or they can decline the decision, provide an explanation, and the flow returns to the previous decision assignment.

ExecuteDispute Status Maintenance

When an amount is placed in dispute status with the credit card processor, that amount is excluded from interest and minimum payment calculations until it is removed from dispute status.  This is typically used for non-fraud claims where a chargeback has not been filed and a provisional credit has not been issued.  

Dispute Status Maintenance

QFD performs general accounting operations required for claims processing. The system can be integrated with most real-time accounting service interfaces or support batch accounting file generation and delivery. When no services are available, these operations are performed by a user.  Specific accounting rules can be configured for each transaction type and adjustment type to ensure all accountholder and GL to GL accounting needs are supported.  Additionally, QFD performs account balancing to ensure that all require accounting is performed on-time.

ExecuteCredit Bureau Maintenance

When enabled, this optional flow will generate the assignments necessary to update consumer credit reporting status.  Unique parameters and/or instructions may be configured based on whether a case is created, accepted, or declined. 

Credit Bureau Maintenance
ExecuteDispute Status Maintenance

When an amount is placed in dispute status with the credit card processor, that amount is excluded from interest and minimum payment calculations until it is removed from dispute status.  This is typically used for non-fraud claims where a chargeback has not been filed and a provisional credit has not been issued.  

Dispute Status Maintenance
ExecuteCard Maintenance

QFD has the built-in capability to block cards and reissue new cards and account numbers to customers. The system can be configured to do this manually or via an API service and can be customized as such.

Block and Reissue
ExecuteFraud Reporting

For most card networks, fraud reporting must be completed before a fraud chargeback can be submitted.  The system facilitates automatic fraud reporting via direct integration with popular card networks.  This step is only applicable to credit and debit card claims.

Fraud Reporting
ExecuteStop Payments

The Stop Payment feature enables issuers to process stop payment requests for preauthorized electronic funds transfers, such as automatic bill payments and installment payments, preventing future, unauthorized charges. The type and availability of requests will depend on the multiple factors, such as the association or acquirer network.

Stop Payment
ToolsAccounting Tool

The accounting tool provides a summary and detailed views of accounting adjustments to assist the user in understanding what accounting has been completed and what additional accounting may be needed to resolve a case.  This includes all accounting that has been completed for the entire claim.  Additionally, the accounting tool includes functionality for performing manual accounting adjustments.  It is accessible from the Tools section of the Case Assets panel that is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen when viewing a case.  To view accounting details for specific disputes within a claim, see the Overview tab.

Accounting Tool
ToolsCommunication Hub

The communication hub is accessible from the Tools section of the Case Assets panel on the right side of the case workspace.  It provides several useful features for managing customer correspondence including downloading and resending messages as well as manually creating new messages.

ToolsReportingReal-time reporting for managers with full drill-down and export functionality.Legacy Reporting
ToolsStatement ViewerView and download account statements directly from the case.View Statements
NavigationRole-Based PortalsInformation and functionality are limited based on user role, with out-of-the-box support for customers, contact centers, branch representatives, analysts, managers, compliance, and audit.