Check for Merchant Credit


When potential merchant credits are found in the Merchant Credits flow, this assignment is generated to prompts a user to review them.


This assignment will present a list of credit transactions and prompt the user to select the credit(s) that apply to the dispute.

Partial Credit

If the selected credit(s) are less than the amount of the disputed transaction, the system will prompt the user to answer the question "Does the merchant credit resolve your dispute?".  If the answer is "Yes", the dispute is resolved and the Merchant Issued Credit Partial Deny Letter is generated with resolution verbiage.  If the answer is "No", the letter is generated with "adjustment" verbiage and the dispute is not resolved.

Full Credit

If the selected credit(s) are equal to, or greater than, the amount of the disputed transaction, the system will assume a full denial and generate the Merchant Issued Credit Deny Letter and resolve the dispute.

To process the merchant credit denial, the user must select "Credit Found" from the Credit Search Result drop-down menu.  If a credit is not found, the user will select "Credit Not Found" and the dispute will return to the normal flow.  If the dispute was pended for merchant credit, and no credit was found, the system will continue to wait and periodically check for merchant credits until the pend expires.

Cancel Merchant Credit Check

Optionally, the user may select Cancel Merchant Credit Check from the Other Actions menu to cancel the merchant credit flow and return to the normal dispute flow.


Goal: 1 day

Deadline: 2 days

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