Recall Dispute

Recall Dispute


When the "Recall Dispute" action is processed in a recovery flow and a service is not configured to perform the action, this assignment is generated and prompts a user to complete the recall action via the applicable association portal.


The assignment includes instructions for performing the recall via the applicable association portal.

Manually Recall Dispute

This primary flow action prompts the user to complete the recall action in an external system.  Depending on the association, instructions may be provided.

Cancel Recall

This flow action is available from the Other Actions menu and will cancel the recall action and return the dispute to the pending response assignment where the recall was initiated.


Goal: 5 Seconds

Deadline: 5 Seconds

Work QueueRecallDispute
Work Group


The Recall Dispute assignment prompts an analyst to complete the recall action.

How to complete the Recall Dispute assignment

  1. Click the Manual Recall Dispute button.

  2. Review the instructions provided in QFD. Use the relevant association system to recall the dispute.

  3. Return to QFD and click the Apply button.

  4. Click the Process Actions button. 

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