Provide Acquirer Reference Number
Description | |
SLA | Deadline: 8 Hours |
Assignment Group | Daily Maintenance |
The Provide Acquirer Reference Number assignment is generated when the acquirer reference number (ARN) was not passed to the disputed transaction record in QFD. The purpose of this assignment is to identify the disputed charge from a list of transactions on the cardholder account.
Provide ARN in the Enrichment node
Step 1: Click the Provide Acquirer Reference Number button.
Step 2: Within the transaction grid provided, select the matching transaction. The selected row will be highlighted.
Step 3: Click the Apply button.
Step 4: Click the Process Actions button.
Provide ARN in the Disposition node
These assignments are only found within Charged More Than Once, Paid by Other Means, and Duplicate Charge claims. The purpose is to provide the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) of the valid transaction.
Step 1: Select the Overview tab next to the Disposition tab.
Step 2: Review the Related Transactions at the bottom of QFD (this is the valid transaction).
Step 3: Log into your firm's Association system of choice and search for the transaction.
Step 4: Copy the ARN after sourcing it from your firm's Association system of choice.
Step 5: In QFD, click on the Process Enrichment Manually button.
Step 6: Paste ARN into the Acquirer Reference Number field.
Step 7: Click on the Apply button.
Step 8: Click on the Process Actions button.
Other Actions
The Other Actions menu offers additional actions and information that allows the user to effectively work the task.
Process Enrichment Manually
This action allows the user to enter required transaction data manually.
Mark Assignment As Unworkable
Assignments that cannot be worked due to a technical issue can be marked as unworkable. This action will move the unworkable task to the Unworkable Assignment Group where leadership can review the scenario and take steps to resolve it.
Technical errors that require the task to be marked as unworkable include QFD not reflecting correct data or when a user takes an action on the task, the action does not process and the assignment loops.
Manual Enrichment | |
The disputed transaction is on the Mastercard network. | |
The disputed transaction is on an alternative network. | Ensure the network and PAN are correct in the task drop-down. Process the action. |
The disputed transaction includes foreign transaction fees. | Paste the ARN for the original foreign charge into the ARN field in QFD. Obtain the ARN for the original foreign charge by retrieving it in the appropriate system. |
The claim type is Charged More Than Once. | Paste the ARN for the valid undisputed transaction into the ARN field in QFD. The valid transaction is located in the Overview tab in QFD. Obtain the ARN for the valid transaction by retrieving it in the appropriate system, |
The claim type is Charge More Than Once. The valid transaction is on a different card under the same account. | Complete internal research to retrieve the valid transaction's ARN. |