Visa Chargeback Detail


List of all Visa chargebacks executed and all dependency values required by Visa.


Visa Reports

Report KeyVisaChargebacks
Report TypeList

Claim Category, Claim Reason, Condition, Card Number, Card Type, Contact Date, Full Name, Claim ID, Dispute ID, Disputed Amount, Performed On, ChipOnCard, PinPreferringCard, CardholderDeniesAuthorizingInd, WhatIncorrectAboutTransaction, AccountStatus, AuthorizationRequestDeclinedValidDataInd, IncorrectCurrencyReason, IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd, ReceiptAccountNumberMatchInd, CardholderReceiptAccountNumber, TransactionCodeIncorrect, RolTransactionId, CardholderReceiptAmt, ExplainWhyCreditRefundProcessedInError, BothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd, IssuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd, OtherTranSameMerchantInd, WhatWasNotReceived, PurchasedInfo, ExpectedReceiptDateTime, MerchandiseDeliveredWrongLocation, DidCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDate, CancellationDate, CancellationMethod, DisputeDueTo, MerchandiseOrServices, DamagedOrDefectiveOrderInfo, WhatWasOrdered, DescCounterfeitMerchandise, InfoMerchandiseToBeCounterfeit, MerchandiseWasCounterfeitDate, WhereIsMerchandiseLocated, MerchandiseIdentifiedAsCounterfeit, WhatWasPurchased, HowMerchandiseOrServiceMisrepresented, DidCardholderCancel, MerchantAcceptCancellationInd, ServiceReceivedDate, CreditVoucherTransactionReceipt, CreditVoucherTransactionReceiptDated, CreditVoucherOrTransactionReceiptDate, ChReceivedOrExpectedMerchandise, CardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd, MerchandiseReceivedDate, CardholderReturnMerchandiseInd, CardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate, ReturnedMerchandiseReceivedDate, ReturnMethod, HowMerchandiseReturned, ShippingTrackingNumber, CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise, AttemptedReturnDate, HowChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise, MerchantRefuseAdvise, CardholderAttemptToResolve, AttemptToResolveProhLocalLaw, DetailsOfLocalLaw, CancellationPolicyProvidedInd, ServiceType, DateOfService, CertificationGuaranteedReservation, TimeshareDate, OrderDetailsNotAsDescribed, MerchandiseServiceReceivedDate, MerchantDescDoNotMatchMerchandiseOrServices, MerchandiseOrServicesDifferFromDescribedOnReceipt, PurchasedInfoAndQualityIssue, CardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate, CorrectCurrency, CardholderDidNotAgreeDCC, DisputeAmountChangeReason, CardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence, ExplainPrevNegotiation, WhenNegotiationsBegin

Filter ParametersRuntime Vendor, Transmission Status, Create Date Time
Sample Export

Field Descriptions

Claim Category

General categorization of the claim.

For a more precise description, see Claim Reason.

Claim Reason

Identifies the specific reason associated with the claim.


Chargeback reason code

Card Number

The card number associated with the disputed transaction(s).

Card Type

Type of card associated with the claim: debit or credit.

Contact Date

The date that the claim was created.

Full Name

Full name of the account holder..

Claim ID

Unique ID associated with a claim.  Format: YYMMDD<Ordinal Number>"C"

Example: 2405230003C

Dispute ID

Unique ID associated with a disputed transaction.  Format: YYMMDD#####"D"

Disputed AmountAmount in dispute at time of reporting
Performed OnDate the chargeback was executed in QFD
ChipOnCardVROL: Chip card?
PinPreferringCardVROL: PIN preferring chip card? 
CardholderDeniesAuthorizingIndVROL: Certification that the cardholder denies authorizing or participating in the disputed transaction
WhatIncorrectAboutTransactionVROL: What is incorrect about this transaction
AccountStatusVROL: What is the status of the account?
AuthorizationRequestDeclinedValidDataIndVROL: Certification that the authorization request would have been declined if valid data had been provided
IncorrectCurrencyReasonVROL: Incorrect Currency Reason
IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberIndVROL: Is the account number on the issuer's master file?
ReceiptAccountNumberMatchIndVROL: Does the account number on the receipt match the cardholder's account number or token?
CardholderReceiptAccountNumberVROL: What is the account number on the cardholder's receipt
TransactionCodeIncorrectVROL: How is transaction code incorrect?
RolTransactionIdVROL: N/A
CardholderReceiptAmtVROL: What is the amount on the cardholder's receipt
ExplainWhyCreditRefundProcessedInErrorVROL: Explain why the credit refund was processed in error
BothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberIndVROL: Are both transactions for the same merchant and on the same card?
IssuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardIndVROL: Is the other transaction for the same merchant and on a different Visa Card owned by the same Issuer/Cardholder?
OtherTranSameMerchantIndVROL: Is the other transaction paid by other means? 
WhatWasNotReceivedVROL: What was not received?
PurchasedInfoVROL: Provide detailed description of what was purchased and an explanation of the dispute
ExpectedReceiptDateTimeVROL: What was the last expected receipt date and time?
MerchandiseDeliveredWrongLocationVROL: Was the merchandise delivered late or to the wrong location?
DidCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDateVROL: Did the cardholder cancel prior to the expected date?  
CancellationDateVROL: Cancellation Date
CancellationMethodVROL: Cancellation Reason
DisputeDueToVROL: This dispute is due to
MerchandiseOrServicesVROL: What was purchased?
DamagedOrDefectiveOrderInfoVROL: What was ordered and how it was damaged or defective?
WhatWasOrderedVROL: What was ordered?
DescCounterfeitMerchandiseVROL: Describe the counterfeit merchandise
InfoMerchandiseToBeCounterfeitVROL: Provide information about the entity that indicated the merchandise to be counterfeit
MerchandiseWasCounterfeitDateVROL: Date the cardholder received the merchandise or received notification that the merchandise was counterfeit
WhereIsMerchandiseLocatedVROL: Where is the merchandise located?
MerchandiseIdentifiedAsCounterfeitVROL: Certification the merchandise was identified as counterfeit by one of the following
WhatWasPurchasedVROL: Describe what was purchased?
HowMerchandiseOrServiceMisrepresentedVROL: How was the merchandise or service misrepresented?
DidCardholderCancelVROL: Did the cardholder cancel?
MerchantAcceptCancellationIndVROL: Did the merchant accept the cancellation?
ServiceReceivedDateVROL: Date services were received
CreditVoucherTransactionReceiptVROL: Was a credit voucher, voided transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement given?
CreditVoucherTransactionReceiptDatedVROL: Is the credit voucher, transaction receipt, or refund acknowledgement dated?
CreditVoucherOrTransactionReceiptDateVROL: Date of credit voucher, transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement
ChReceivedOrExpectedMerchandiseVROL: Date the cardholder received or expected to receive the merchandise
CardholderReceiveMerchandiseIndVROL: Did cardholder receive the merchandise?
MerchandiseReceivedDateVROL: Date merchandise was received
CardholderReturnMerchandiseIndVROL: Did the cardholder return the merchandise?
CardholderReturnedMerchandiseDateVROL: Date cardholder returned the merchandise
ReturnedMerchandiseReceivedDateVROL: Date merchant received returned merchandise
ReturnMethodVROL: Return Method
HowMerchandiseReturnedVROL: Explain how the merchandise was returned
ShippingTrackingNumberVROL: Tracking Number
CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandiseVROL: Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise?
AttemptedReturnDateVROL: Date of attempted return
HowChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandiseVROL: Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return and the disposition of the merchandise
MerchantRefuseAdviseVROL: Provide certification of one of the following
CardholderAttemptToResolveVROL: Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant?
AttemptToResolveProhLocalLawVROL: Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations?
DetailsOfLocalLawVROL: Provide details of local law or regulations
CancellationPolicyProvidedIndVROL: Was a cancellation policy provided?
ServiceTypeVROL: Type of Service
DateOfServiceVROL: Date of service or expected service
CertificationGuaranteedReservationVROL: Certification of one of the following
TimeshareDateVROL: Date of the timeshare, or the date the contract or related documents were received
OrderDetailsNotAsDescribedVROL: Provide details of what was ordered and not as described
MerchandiseServiceReceivedDateVROL: Date merchandise or service was received
MerchantDescDoNotMatchMerchandiseOrServicesVROL: Does the dispute involve merchandise or services provided that do not match the merchant's verbal description?
MerchandiseOrServicesDifferFromDescribedOnReceiptVROL: Did the merchandise or services differ from what was described on the receipt?
PurchasedInfoAndQualityIssueVROL: Provide information about what was purchased and the quality issue
CardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDateVROL: Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute
CorrectCurrencyVROL: Processed through VisaNet as [currency code]; what was the correct currency
[followed by unlabeled alpha currency code dropdown]
CardholderDidNotAgreeDCCVROL: Certification that the Cardholder did not agree to Dynamic Currency Conversion and did not make an active choice
DisputeAmountChangeReasonVROL: Why are you changing the dispute amount?
CardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidenceVROL: Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant?
ExplainPrevNegotiationVROL: Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant
WhenNegotiationsBeginVROL: When did the negotiations begin?