Fiserv DNA

Fiserv DNA

QFD is able to be integrated with Fiserv DNA (typically using a VPN tunnel), by accessing both the Core API (SOAP) and Business Events (REST).

About Core API (Fiserv DNA Soap - Legacy APIs)

  • Fiserv DNA is used for management of Debit accounts and various CCM functions (if CCM is utilized).

  • Authentication is performed via a 2 part call: “DirectSignOn” then “WhoIs”

  • All other calls are performed through “SubmitRequest”

  • Note: “AccountTransactionHistory” has a known gap where posted transactions do not include ARN or CardNumber. This is mitigated by utilizing DNABusinessServices APIs.

Required Core API Configuration Points

  • AppId

  • AuthorizationType – typically “SingleSignOn”

  • Base URL

  • CashBoxNumber

  • DeviceId – Must match “NetworkNodeName”

  • NetworkNodeName – Must match “DeviceId”

  • ProdDefCd – typically “SAF2006”

  • ProdEnvCd – typically “PRODUCTION”

  • Service Permissions We’ll Need

    • 7701

    • 7702

    • 7703 (Deprecated)

    • 7704

    • 7705

    • 7710

    • 7714

    • 7754

    • 7787 (Deprecated)

    • 7788

    • 7894

    • UserName

    • Password

API Request We Make

  1. Account Holds Inquiry (Deprecated and replaced by DNABusinessServices)

    1. ReqTypCd: 7787

    2. Queries the active holds linked to an account.

    3. Inputs:

      1. AccountNumber

      2. StartDate

      3. EndDate

  2. Account List

    1. ReqTypCd: 7704

    2. Searches for all accounts and account information for which the entity(s) has a role

    3. Inputs:

      1. PersonId

  3. Account Roles Inquiry

    1. ReqTypCd: 7701

    2. Searches for all members and entity(s) which have a role on the provided account.

    3. Inputs:

      1. AccountNumber

  4. Account Transaction History (Deprecated and replaced by DNABusinessServices)

    1. ReqTypCd: 7703

    2. Searches for transaction history information for the account

    3. Note: has a known gap where posted transactions do not include ARN or CardNumber

    4. Inputs:

      1. AccountNumber

      2. StartDate

      3. EndDate

  5. Card Agreement Detail

    1. ReqTypCd: 7788

    2. Queries the card agreement tables

    3. Inputs:

      1. CardNumber

  6. Card Agreement Maintenance

    1. ReqTypCd: 7788

    2. Places card in Hot status.

  7. Monetary Transaction

    1. ReqTypCd: 7754

    2. Processes monetary transactions against accounts.

    3. Inputs:

      1. AccountNumber

      2. ExternalDescription

      3. Description

      4. TransactionTypeCode

  8. Person Agreement Inquiry

    1. ReqTypCd: 7710

    2. Searches agreement and primary statement information related to the specified person/organization

    3. Inputs:

      1. EntityNumber

      2. EntityTypeCode

      3. FetchAllStatuses

  9. Person Agreement Maintenance

    1. ReqTypCd: 7705

    2. Creates new card agreement (reissue) between accountholder and accounts.

    3. Inputs:

      1. EntityNumber

      2. EntityTypeCode

  10. Person Search

    1. ReqTypCd: 7714

    2. Searches for a list of persons matching the search criteria

    3. Inputs:

      1. PersonNumber

      2. FirstName

      3. LastName

      4. SSN/TIN




About Business Services (Fiserv DNA Rest - Newer APIs)

  • Fiserv DNA Business Services is used for retrieval of Debit account transactions. 

  • Authentication is performed via SAF call: ServiceToken 

  • Note: On Fiserv’s roadmap, the DNABusinessServices APIs will replace the CoreAPI functionality. That project is still in progress. 

Required Configuration Points 

  • service_account_id 

  • APIChannelId ( This is different than the APPID used for Core API)

  • Base URL – (Same as DNACoreAPI root) 

  • device_name 

  • Service Permissions

    • AtmDebitCardTransactions/QUERY (known as “CardTxns RPRC” in the “Authorizations Manager” in the Fiserv DNA portal)

    • Transactions/Query/AccountNbrAndDate (known as “Transactions RPRC” in the “Authorizations Manager” in the Fiserv DNA portal)

  • UserName (known as the “Relying Party Client ID” after “ClientId=” when downloading the “Relying Party Credentials” using your DNA Core - SAF account)

  • Password  (known as the “Relying Party Client Password” after “ClientPassword=” when downloading the “Relying Party Credentials” using your DNA Core - SAF account)



API Data Flow

DNA Rest BusinessServices Troubleshooting



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