Merchant Collaboration Details

Description:List of all disputes where collaboration was attempted with Verifi and/or Ethoca.  Includes collaboration responses and matched merchant credit details.  Please note that disputes will be duplicated when collaboration is attempted via both networks.
Sources:Dispute, Claim, RecoveryAction, MerchantCredits, CollaborationLookup

It is important that you always include tenantID in your WHERE clause.  Not doing so will result in poor performance.  



	d.clientid AS "Client ID",    
	d.claimid AS "Claim ID",
    d.disputeid AS "Dispute ID",
    d.acquirernetwork AS "Network",
    e.recoveryassociation AS "Collaboration Network",
    d.merchantcategorycode AS "MCC",
    d.merchantname AS "Merchant",
    d.resolveddatetime AS "Resolved Date",
    INITCAP(e.actionname) AS "Eligibility",
    r1.performedondatetime AS "Attempt Date",
        WHEN r2.actionname IS NOT NULL THEN 'Response Received'
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL THEN 'No Response'
    END) AS "Response Status",
    r2.actionname AS "Response",
    r2.performedondatetime AS "Response Date",
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL AND "Response Date" IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF(h, "Attempt Date", "Response Date") -- only evaluate response time when there is an attempt and a response
    END) AS "Response Time",
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL and r2.actionname IS NULL THEN 'No Response'
        ELSE m.outcome
    END) AS "Outcome",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' AND (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) !=0 THEN 'Recovered' -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN 'Not Recovered'
    END) AS "Recovery Status",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
    END) AS "Merchant Credit Amount",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN (SELECT MAX(mc.eventdatetime) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
    END) AS "Merchant Credit Date",
        WHEN "Response Date" IS NOT NULL AND "Merchant Credit Date" IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF(h, "Response Date", "Merchant Credit Date") -- only evaluate credit time if there was a response and a merchant credit
    END) AS "Credit Time"
    dispute AS d
    (select row_number() over (partition by tenantid, disputeid, stage, actionname order by performedondatetime asc) as rn,* from recoveryaction
    ) as e on e.tenantid = d.tenantid AND e.disputeid = d.disputeid AND e.recoveryassociation = 'Verifi' AND e.stage = 'Collaboration Eligibility' AND e.rn = 1
    recoveryaction AS r1 ON r1.tenantid = d.tenantid AND r1.disputeid = d.disputeid AND r1.stage = 'Collaboration Initiated' AND r1.recoveryassociation = 'Verifi'
    recoveryaction AS r2 ON r2.tenantid = d.tenantid AND r2.disputeid = d.disputeid AND r2.stage = 'Collaboration Response' AND r2.recoveryassociation = 'Verifi'
    collaborationlookup AS m ON m.response = r2.actionname
    d.tenantid = 'YOURTENANTID'
    AND d.resolveddatetime =:daterange
    d.tenantid ASC, d.claimid DESC, d.disputeid DESC)

    d.clientid AS "Client ID",
    d.claimid AS "Claim ID",
    d.disputeid AS "Dispute ID",
    d.acquirernetwork AS "Network",
    e.recoveryassociation AS "Collaboration Network",
    d.merchantcategorycode AS "MCC",
    d.merchantname AS "Merchant",
    d.resolveddatetime AS "Resolved Date",
    INITCAP(e.actionname) AS "Eligibility",
    e.performedondatetime AS "Attempt Date",
        WHEN r2.actionname IS NOT NULL THEN 'Response Received'
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL THEN 'No Response'
    END) AS "Response Status",
    r2.actionname AS "Response",
    r2.performedondatetime AS "Response Date",
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL AND "Response Date" IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF(h, "Attempt Date", "Response Date") -- only evaluate response time when there is an attempt and a response
    END) AS "Response Time",
        WHEN "Attempt Date" IS NOT NULL and r2.actionname IS NULL THEN 'No Response'
        ELSE m.outcome
    END) AS "Outcome",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' AND (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) !=0 THEN 'Recovered' -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN 'Not Recovered'
    END) AS "Recovery Status",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
    END) AS "Merchant Credit Amount",
        WHEN "Outcome" = 'Accepted' THEN (SELECT MAX(mc.eventdatetime) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid AND mc.appliedamount !=0) -- only associate credits with collaboration requests that are accepted.  For clients that use both networks, there will typically only be an "Accept" response via one of the two networks
    END) AS "Merchant Credit Date",
        WHEN "Response Date" IS NOT NULL AND "Merchant Credit Date" IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF(h, "Response Date", "Merchant Credit Date") -- only evaluate credit time if there was a response and a merchant credit
    END) AS "Credit Time"
    dispute AS d
    (select row_number() over (partition by tenantid, disputeid, stage, actionname order by performedondatetime asc) as rn,* from recoveryaction) as e on e.tenantid = d.tenantid AND e.disputeid = d.disputeid AND e.recoveryassociation = 'Ethoca' AND e.stage = 'Collaboration Eligibility' AND e.actionname != 'Not Sent' AND e.rn = 1
    recoveryaction AS r2 ON r2.tenantid = d.tenantid AND r2.disputeid = d.disputeid AND r2.stage = 'Collaboration Response' AND r2.recoveryassociation = 'Ethoca'
    collaborationlookup AS m ON m.response = r2.actionname
    d.tenantid = 'YOURTENANTID'
    AND d.resolveddatetime =:daterange
    d.tenantid ASC, d.claimid DESC, d.disputeid DESC)


Field Glossary

ClientThe common name of the issuer, as identified by it's employees and customers/members.  This value is used in various places throughout the application.  See also, Legal Name.
Claim Type
See Transaction Type.
Claim Category

General categorization of the claim.

For a more precise description, see Claim Reason.

Claim Reason
Identifies the specific reason associated with the claim.
Claim ID

Unique ID associated with a claim.  Format: YYMMDD<Ordinal Number>"C"

Example: 2405230003C

Dispute ID
Unique ID associated with a disputed transaction.  Format: YYMMDD#####"D"
Dispute Status
Current status of an individual transaction on a claim.  See Work Status for a comprehensive list of values.
Contact Date
The date that the claim was created.
Merchant Category CodeAlso referred to as "MCC", this 4-digit code represents the type of goods or services a business offers.
Merchant NameName of the business providing goods or services, as provided by the system of record.
Transaction DescriptionA description of the transaction as provided by the system of record.  Typically, this will match what the customer/member sees on their account statement.
Transaction AmountPosted amount of the transaction.  May differ from /wiki/spaces/ARIA/pages/48269484.
Dispute AmountThe current amount in dispute, accounting for any recoveries or adjustments.
POS Entry ModeCode representing how the merchant entered the transaction at the point of sale (POS).
NetworkThe name of the network where merchant collaboration is attempted (i.e. "Ethoca", "Verifi")
EligibilityOutcome of eligibility check.
Attempt DateDate that a collaboration case was created with the network.
Response StatusSpecifies whether a response has been received.  Only considers disputes where a collaboration case has been created.
ResponseThe response received from the merchant.
Response DateDate the merchant response was received.
Response TimeDuration, in hours, from time of network case creation to merchant response. Only considers cases that received a response.
OutcomeSpecifies whether the collaboration request was accepted, declined, or unmatched by the merchant.  Only considers collaboration cases that received a response.
Recovery StatusSpecifies whether an expected credit has been received.  Only considers cases where an 'Accepted' response was received.
Merchant Credit AmountAmount of any merchant credits received.
Merchant Credit DateDate merchant credit(s) received.  In the event of multiple credits, the date of the final credit is used.
Credit TimeDuration, in hours, from time of merchant acceptance to merchant credit. Only considers cases where a credit was received.

Change Log

7/15/2024Updated query to eliminate duplicates.