It may be necessary to recall the dispute after recovery has been initiated. For example, if the claim is withdrawn by the account holder after recovery has been initiated, the user will need to recall the dispute prior to processing the withdrawal.
Recalling the dispute is an important action that allows the user to pull back the chargeback (Mastercard) or cancel the collaboration/allocation (Visa).
How to Recall a Dispute
The "Recall Dispute" action is only available when the dispute status is Pending Acquirer Response or Pending Dispute Response. To recall a dispute, access the dispute under the Disposition node, and use the "Sort & Filter" function to unhide non-workable assignments. Uncheck the box next to "Hide Non-Workable" then click the "Apply Sort & Filter" button.
Click here to reveal the image...
Select the "Recall" or "Recall Dispute" option.
Click here to reveal the image...

- Withdrawn
- Other - Please Explain
Always allow QFD to attempt to recall the dispute after initiating the Recall action. If QFD cannot automate the recall in Mastercom/VROL, QFD will create a manual assignment called Recall Dispute.