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Quavo Client Frequently Asked Questions

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QuestionIf Visa is paying the claim post-CB, will the claim automatically update to paid or will there be an assignment created?

If a recovery is successful, whether at chargeback, pre-arb, or Arb, QFD will automatically send the Paid letter.

Knowledge Base Article

QuestionWill QFD pull in the documentation (journal of the transactions showing they're valid) from Visa for ATM disputes?


For Visa/PLUS network transactions, any documentation included with the dispute response is automatically uploaded to the claim.

The docs are visible within the Attachments section of the Case Assets (far right side of the screen), as well as within the dispute assignments to make it easier to navigate on multi-dispute claims.


QuestionWhat info fields do we send to Mcom

Card number, date, and ARN if provided

Once enriched, we just use Case Number


QuestionCan a claim be submitted on a closed account?

In QFD, yes

Some APIs will not support this.

JackHenry Symitar will not support this function


QuestionIf the account was closed, can we change the account number for accounting postings?

This is a configuration setting we can support; this will only occur after the initial accounting call has failed.

QuestionHow often does the final accounting post?

All of our accounting is done via real-time API call.  Depending on how the accounting was triggered, it can sometimes take a few minutes to kick off.

Knowledge Base Article

QuestionWill the fee assignment always be manual?

Not always. Foreign Exchange Feed are almost 100% automated.
Other fees not tied to a transaction 1:1 can be automated but are usually manual.

Knowledge Base Article


How does QFD know which disputes should have the interest adjustment assignments? How will QFD know which accounts are interest-bearing?


Any dispute covered by Reg E would be sent through the interest adjustment flow if the account is interest-bearing.

When applicable, the interest-bearing accounts are identified from the Silverlake response, using the “IntBearAcct” field.

QuestionWhen does the Accounting Batch File occur?

By default, once daily at the end of the day



Where can we track user creation and updates/changes to the user permissions?


In the Administrator portal, there is a report called "Operators By Access Group" which will identify who has made changes to a user. We do not have a report for what was changed. 

Automatic Recovery

QuestionWhich claim types will have automatic recovery?

Those over the Mastercard and Visa network, including PLUS.

Knowledge Base ArticleRecovery


QuestionHow can we verify QFD is sending letters/emails correctly? Can we confirm the recipients are receiving the communication?

Paper letters are sent via SFTP.  Each file export will include a metadata file with a list of letters included, which should be used as reconciliation.

We also have a report in QFD, called Outbound Correspondence, that shows all communication sent, regardless of Channel.

Knowledge Base Article

QuestionCan we customize account holder letters?


Quavo strongly advises clients to use the standard, default letters provided in our QFD dispute management platform. QFD’s standard letters are specifically designed and developed to uphold compliance and support customer expectations. 
Like all account holder communications channels supported in QFD, the standard letters can be white labeled to reflect client branding.
Customized letters are also supported in QFD; however, all customization and new product implementation requests must follow Quavo’s Product Enhancement Process.

QuestionWhy does Quavo recommend clients use QFD's standard letters?


•    Risk Mitigation
•    Maintenance Cost Reduction
•    Change Prioritization

QuestionHow can standard letters be configured?


Yes. Clients can configure the Header/Greeting, Footer/Closing, and Branding/Styling elements within the standard letters.
Note: In our experience, the Footer/Closing element has the most impact on the letter’s sentiment and overall tone.

QuestionDo Quavo’s standard letters meet compliance regulations? 


Yes. Quavo’s standard, default letters comply with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) requirements. Increasingly, the CFPB has taken active interest in defining the language used in consumer letters. Phrases like “requested,” “required,” and “you have the right to” are now specifically defined in these regulatory guidelines. As regulations evolve, Quavo immediately updates our letters with the necessary changes. This is one of the many reasons we recommend that clients use our standard letters. Relying on Quavo to manage the regulatory language required helps clients focus on other business priorities. 
Note: We’ve seen over 200 financial institutions, from small and large credit unions to enterprise banks successfully use the same core letter content and uphold both compliance and extensive brand requirements. 

QuestionDo QFD’s standardized letters support all claim resolution statuses and outcomes?


Yes. Our standardized letter content supports various dispute scenarios and incorporates specific claim and account holder information, where applicable. The content in QFD’s standard letters is regulatory driven to assure compliance for all our clients. Standardization enables us to seamlessly update letters with the latest regulatory and card association rules. What’s more, clients who use our standard account holder letters experience fewer compliance issues than those with customized letters.

QuestionDo the standard letters change for ACH versus debit card disputes?


No. ACH and debit card disputes are both considered electronic fund transfers by Regulation E and are governed under the same laws enforced by the CFPB.

QuestionWhat is the product enhancement process for new clients who prefer to have specific customized letters?


•    Provide a business case detailing the institution’s need and use for custom letters over standard letters.
•    Provide any risk or compliance concerns with QFD’s standard letters, including supporting information from risk/compliance officers or legal team.
•    Communicate the request and supporting information to your Sales Executive for initial review.
•    The request will be given to the Project Manager to submit a Product Enhancement Ticket to Quavo’s product implementation committee for approval.
•    The Project Manager will communicate the committee’s decision to the client. If approved, the Project Manager will add this additional implementation to the overall project plan.

QuestionHow can existing clients request changes to their customized letters? What is the process and information required?


•    Provide a business case detailing your institution’s need and use for the customized letter change.
•    Provide any risk or compliance concerns with existing letters, including supporting information from your risk/compliance officers or legal team.
•    Submit request to your Client Success Manager for review.
•    Client Success Manager submits a Product Enhancement Review Ticket to be reviewed by the committee.
•    If rejected, the Client Success Manager communicates decision to client.
•    If approved, the Client Success Manager creates a project management “story” and adds it to the existing project “sprint.”


Jack Henry




How is information tracked with ACH disputes since they're posted to Jack Henry - how does QFD support ACH disputes?


The transaction information is passed to QFD via Silverlake

Aside from the standard transaction information, QFD is currently set to map the below ACH-specific details:

    • Company ID
    • SEC Code
    • Company Name

Manual enrichment is required to complete Trace Number (not provided by JH Silv response)

Knowledge Base Article

Fiserv CCM/DNA


General Knowledge

QuestionWhat Amazon primary and secondary zones does QFD use

We use US East N Virgina as our primary and US West Oregon as our secondary zone


QuestionHow does the system handle ACH claims post 60 days on Reg E?

ACH claims are always given Reg E protection in QFD, regardless of transaction age or the span of transactions.  Under § 1005.6(b)(3), consumers are protected for the first statement, plus 60 days, and can be held liable for any subsequent transactions.  Even still, § 1005.6(b)(4) requires that timeframe be extended for "extenuating circumstances", though no definition is provided.  Since QFD is unable to determine a cause for delay, all transactions are considered protected.  There are configuration settings that can be modified to ensure some automation is stopped on aged transactions, however if a user fails to take action by Reg45, QFD will resolve the claim and send a Paid letter to the accountholder. 

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