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Case Interaction API Overview

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This guide explains how to use the interaction API to view claims, add and view Attachments, Notes, and Transactions to claims, view and resend Correspondence, and request that a case is withdrawn or reopened.


Interaction API

Finding and viewing Cases

Adding and viewing Attachments

Adding and viewing Notes

Adding and viewing Transactions

Viewing and resending Correspondence

Request a Case to be withdrawn

Request a Case to be reopened

List Tasks

Finding and viewing cases

  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of claimIds and other claim details

  • The /claim/list endpoint request takes in search params: customerId, accountNumber, and claimId. At least one of the fields must be in the request to /claim/list

    • The claimId returned in /claim/list can be used to retrieve specific claim details

  • Use the endpoint, to get details about a specific claim
    • /claim/retrieve returns details about the claim as well as a Stages list denoting the current and completed stages of the claim, and an Actions list with actions that can be performed on the claim.

Adding and viewing Attachments

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of attachments linked to a claim and Attachment details
  • The LinkReference ID returned in /attachments/list can be used to retrieve a specific attachment
  • Use the endpoint, to retrieve a specific attachment by passing in the LinkReference value 
    • The /claim/attachments/retrieve endpoint returns Attachment details as well as the Attachment's DocumentStream

  • To add Attachments, call with your valid ClaimId and AttachmentList, a list of attachments you want to add
  • Each Attachment in the AttachmentList should contain:
    • FileName
    • Category
    • Label
    • DocumentStream

Adding and viewing Notes

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of notes linked to a claim
  • The LinkReference ID returned in /notes/list can be used to retrieve a specific note
  • Use the endpoint, to retrieve a specific note by passing in the LinkReference value

  • To add Notes, call with your valid ClaimId and Note details:
    • Subject
    • Note

Adding and viewing Transactions

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of transactions linked to a claim
  • The /transaction/list endpoint returns all details about each transaction

  • To add Transactions, call with your valid ClaimId and list of Transactions, TransactionList
  • Each Transaction in TransactionList needs to have a valid TransactionId
  • To view Transaction Details, call with your valid ClaimId and either a valid DisputeId or a valid TransactionId

Viewing and resending Correspondence

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of Correspondence linked to a claim as well as details about the Correspondence
  • The LinkReference ID returned in /correspondence/list can be used to retrieve a specific correspondence
  • Use the endpoint, to retrieve a specific correspondence by passing in the LinkReference value
    • This endpoint returns EmailStyleMarkup and Body

  • To resend a correspondence, call with your valid ClaimId and Correspondence LinkReference ID

Request a Case to be withdrawn

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to request a claim to be withdrawn
  • /claim/withdrawRequest must be called with a valid ClaimId and must be provided a WithdrawalReason

Request a Case to be reopened

  • Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
  • Use the endpoint, to request a claim to be reopened
  • /claim/reopenRequest must be called with a valid ClaimId and must be provided a ReopenReason and TransactionList
  • TransactionList contains a list of TransactionIds of the specific Transactions to be reopened
  • ReopenNewInformation is an optional field for any new information about the claim 

Reopen Case Error Handling

An error message will be returned if an attempt is made to do any of the following:

  • Request to reopen a case that is already open
  • Request to reopen a case that already has a reopen request in process
  • Request to reopen a dispute that is not on the specified claim

Request a Case to be withdrawn

Request a Case to be reopened

List Tasks

  • Use the endpoint, to get a list of tasks for a claim or client

  • The /task/list endpoint request requires the following parameters:

    • CorrelationId

      • This is a UUID
    • ClaimId 

      • This is used to retrieve all tasks for a claim
    • or ClientId and TaskLabel

      • This is used to retrieve all of the tasks of a specific task label for a specific client
  • The /tasks/list endpoint request supports the following parameters for additional result set configuration:
    • PageNum - page to retrieve, default to 1 for first page of results
    • PageSize - number of items to retrieve per page, defaults to 1000
    • SortBy - result field to sort by, defaults to CreateDateTime
    • SortType - ASC for ascending, DESC for descending. Defaults to ASC

  • No labels