- A single transaction was processed more than once using the same account number.
- Cardholder paid for the same merchandise or service by other means.
- For an ATM transaction, a shared deposit adjustment was processed more than once.
Time Limit
120 calendar days from the Transaction Processing Date
For Duplicate Processing:
- l If the Transaction was processed by different Acquirers (including Originating
Acquirers), the Acquirer that processed the invalid Transaction is responsible
for the Dispute. If the Issuer (including a Recipient Issuer) cannot determine
which Transaction is invalid, the Acquirer that processed the second
Transaction is responsible for the Dispute.
l For an ATM Transaction that was processed by different Acquirers, the
Acquirer that processed the invalid Shared Deposit Adjustment is responsible
for the Dispute. If the Issuer or Recipient Member cannot determine which
Transaction is invalid, the Acquirer that processed the second Transaction is
responsible for the Dispute.
For Transactions that were paid by other means:
- The dispute applies when a contract reflects that the merchant accepted a voucher issued by a third party as payment for merchandise or for services rendered, and subsequently bills the cardholder because the merchant is unable to collect payment from the third party.
- The cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant or the merchant’s liquidator, if applicable, before the Issuer may initiate a dispute.Certification of the date and Acquirer Reference Number of the valid Transaction
- For a Shared Deposit Adjustment, certification of the first Adjustment date and amount
For Transactions that were paid by other means all of the following, as applicable:
- Certification that the Cardholder attempted to resolve the dispute with the Merchant, unless prohibited by applicable laws or regulations
- Evidence that the Merchant received payment by other means, including:
- The Acquirer Reference Number or other Transaction information, if paid by a Visa Card
- A statement, if paid by another card
- A cash receipt
- A copy of the front and back of a cancelled check
- If the Merchant billed the Cardholder because the Merchant was unable to collect payment for a voucher received from a third party, evidence that the Merchant accepted the voucher for payment for the merchandise or service (for example: a rental contract showing that the voucher was accepted by the Merchant)