***This is a description of the flow and how it is related to other related flows. It may include a number of steps describing each step within the flow. ***This step allows the system to review the information that was gathered in the Collect stage and create child cases for each disputed transaction in the claim. Each disputed transaction is referred to as a "dispute". Typically, this will happen well before a fulfillment user ever opens a claim. However, if a fulfillment user opens a claim within 1-2 minutes after submitting a claim, while the claim is in "Pending-Submission" status, this step will still be active and the Pending Submission assignment will be displayed.
Drawio |
border | true |
viewerToolbar | true |
fitWindow | false |
diagramName | EnhanceClaim |
simpleViewer | false |
diagramWidth | 681 |
***Briefly describe each of the configuration point in the flow and, where applicable, link to the appropriate page for more details.
Stagil incoming links macro |