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When the WaitForPosting SLA expires, should a user review all transactions that have posted since the pending transaction was added to the claim? (Config: ShouldReviewPostedAfterWindowExpires) How should the system determine what is a potential match and what is an automatic match? (Decision Table: TempMatchingCriteria) How long should the system wait for the posting before denying the dispute? (SLA Deadline: WaitForPosting) How often should the system check the system of record for new postings? (SLA Goal: WaitForPosting) When it is determined that the authorization did not post, should the system send the Never Posted Deny Letter? (When Rule: ShouldSendNotPostedDeniedLetter) When a posted transaction is matched to an authorization, Should the system send the Authorization Posting Confirmation Letter - Authorization Posting? (When Rule: ShouldSendAuthorizationPostedLetter) To customize how the start and end date parameters are set for searching for posted transactions, update DefaultCheckForPostingSearchDateRangeExt. |
Related Correspondence
Authorization Posting Confirmation Letter - Authorization Posting