Versions Compared


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Comment: Converted from version 'Stable'.



Chargeback Reason

The Card Account is closed or the Card is cancelled at the time of the Transaction or, the Cardmember denies participation in the Transaction and the merchant is listed on the High Risk merchant list.
The Fraud Full Recourse Chargeback allows Issuers the right to transfer liability of all fraud types, including counterfeit Cards, to the Acquirer for any merchant subject to this Chargeback.


Processing under this reason code requires that the merchant  was listed on the High Risk merchant list at the time of the Chargeback under one (1) of the following categories:

  • A Fictitious and/or Collusive merchant who is listed on the High Risk merchant  list with a risk indicator of “S”, or
  • A prohibited or illegal industry merchant  who is listed on the High Risk merchant  list with a risk indicator of “I”, or
  • A high Fraud to Gross (FTG) sale volume ratio merchant who is listed on the High Risk merchant  list with a risk indicator of “F”, or
  • An Internet Electronic Delivery merchant  who is listed on the High Risk merchant  list with a risk indicator of “T”, or
  • S/E was cancelled for derogatory reasons and was listed on the High Risk merchant  list with a risk indicator of “X”


The Issuer must meet all the following conditions:

  • May be used even if the Transaction was Authorized.
  • Amount to be charged back is the full Transaction amount.
  • Before filing this Chargeback, the Issuer must manually enter the fraud Transaction into the WFIS or electronically transmit it into the GNS Fraud Repository.
  • For Final Chargeback - This Chargeback is only applicable if the First Chargeback was either a fraud type or one of the following:
    • 4512 - Multiple Processing
    • 4516 - Request for Support Not Fulfilled
    • 4517 - Request for Support Illegible/Incomplete
    • 4754 - Local Regulations/Legal Dispute




120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment


  • Before filing this Chargeback, the Issuer must manually enter the fraud Transaction into the WFIS or electronically transmit it into the GNS Fraud Repository


ValidationValueLogicAssociated Rule(s)
Within association window for submitting the chargebackTrue120 days from the Network Processing Date of the PresentmentHasChargebackWindowExpired

Is Eligible for 4763 Fraud Full Recourse

  • Is a POS transaction
  • Is a high risk merchant
TrueS/E is considered High RiskTrue
  • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = S, I, F, T or X
AEIPS-compliant Chip Card Transactions where a Transaction Certificate is provided in the First Presentment, or Transaction is identified as Fallback in the First Presentment
  • IsPOSTransaction_A = true AND
  • IsHighRiskMerchant_A = true
A Fallback TransactionFalse

Card Data Input Mode , position 7 = 9

 SafeKey Transaction which was either Fully Authenticated or Attempted and the S/E has a risk indicator of either "T" or "F.”FalseProgram Indicator in 892-893 of First Pres 1240 msg = 4 and
Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = T or F
Transaction qualifies for the AEGNS Oil Fraud Liability Shift ProgramFalse
  • Program Indicator in 892-893 of First Pres 1240 msg = 08
Expresspay Transactions IsFallbackTransaction_A
A transaction where a Transaction Certificate is provided in the First PresentmentFalse

Cardmember Authentication Entity Code = 1 And Bit 55 =1 ""


A SafeKey TransactionFalse

Program Indicator Code = 04


A Expresspay Transaction of less than or equal to the Cumulative Spend Spend
Protection Thresholddefined.
  • Card present
, position 6
  • = X
Is a
  • AND
  • Transaction Amount <= Cumulative Spend Protection 
A Merchant-Presented Quick Response (MPQR) Transactions with high risk indicator of F.False
  • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = I, S or X or
    • Card present

      , position 6 = X
    • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = F

    High Risk S/Es listed under the following categories are not eligible for Excluded Transactions under this ISO code:

    a. Risk indicators of “I”, “S”, “X”

    b. Gambling MCCs 7801, 7802, 7995

    • = 8 AND

    • Card Capture Capability Code = 7


    A gambling transaction.


    MCC = 7801, 7802, 7995

    First Chargeback was either a fraud type or one of the following: 
    a. 4512 - Multiple Processing 
    b. 4516 - Request for Support Not Fulfilled 
    c. 4517 - Request for Support Illegible/Incomplete 
    d. 4754 - Local Regulations/Legal Dispute


    Related Questionnaires

    Fraud Questionnaire
