Field | Description |
Claim Category | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim Category |
Claim Reason | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim Reason |
Card Number | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Card Number 1 |
Card Type | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Card Type |
Contact Date | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Contact Date |
Full Name | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Full Name |
Claim ID | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim ID |
Dispute ID | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Dispute ID |
Disputed Amount | Amount in dispute at time of reporting |
Pending Since | Date and time the dispute moved to Recovery and the Execute Chargeback assignment was generated |
ChipOnCard | VROL: Chip card? |
PinPreferringCard | VROL: PIN preferring chip card? |
CardholderDeniesAuthorizingInd | VROL: Certification that the cardholder denies authorizing or participating in the disputed transaction |
WhatIncorrectAboutTransaction | VROL: What is incorrect about this transaction |
AccountStatus | VROL: What is the status of the account? |
AuthorizationRequestDeclinedValidDataInd | VROL: Certification that the authorization request would have been declined if valid data had been provided |
IncorrectCurrencyReason | VROL: Incorrect Currency Reason |
IssuerMasterFileAccountNumberInd | VROL: Is the account number on the issuer's master file? |
ReceiptAccountNumberMatchInd | VROL: Does the account number on the receipt match the cardholder's account number or token? |
CardholderReceiptAccountNumber | VROL: What is the account number on the cardholder's receipt |
TransactionCodeIncorrect | VROL: How is transaction code incorrect? |
RolTransactionId | The rolTransactionID of the valid transaction |
CardholderReceiptAmt | VROL: What is the amount on the cardholder's receipt |
ExplainWhyCreditRefundProcessedInError | VROL: Explain why the credit refund was processed in error |
BothTransactionsOnSameAcctNumberInd | VROL: Are both transactions for the same merchant and on the same card? |
IssuerOrCardholderOtherAcctWithDiffVisaCardInd | VROL: Is the other transaction for the same merchant and on a different Visa Card owned by the same Issuer/Cardholder? |
OtherTranSameMerchantInd | VROL: Is the other transaction paid by other means? |
WhatWasNotReceived | VROL: What was not received? |
PurchasedInfo | VROL: Provide detailed description of what was purchased and an explanation of the dispute |
ExpectedReceiptDateTime | VROL: What was the last expected receipt date and time? |
MerchandiseDeliveredWrongLocation | VROL: Was the merchandise delivered late or to the wrong location? |
DidCardholderCancelPriorExpectedDate | VROL: Did the cardholder cancel prior to the expected date? |
CancellationDate | VROL: Cancellation Date |
CancellationMethod | VROL: Cancellation Reason |
DisputeDueTo | VROL: This dispute is due to |
MerchandiseOrServices | VROL: What was purchased? |
DamagedOrDefectiveOrderInfo | VROL: What was ordered and how it was damaged or defective? |
WhatWasOrdered | VROL: What was ordered? |
DescCounterfeitMerchandise | VROL: Describe the counterfeit merchandise |
InfoMerchandiseToBeCounterfeit | VROL: Provide information about the entity that indicated the merchandise to be counterfeit |
MerchandiseWasCounterfeitDate | VROL: Date the cardholder received the merchandise or received notification that the merchandise was counterfeit |
WhereIsMerchandiseLocated | VROL: Where is the merchandise located? |
MerchandiseIdentifiedAsCounterfeit | VROL: Certification the merchandise was identified as counterfeit by one of the following |
WhatWasPurchased | VROL: Describe what was purchased? |
HowMerchandiseOrServiceMisrepresented | VROL: How was the merchandise or service misrepresented? |
DidCardholderCancel | VROL: Did the cardholder cancel? |
MerchantAcceptCancellationInd | VROL: Did the merchant accept the cancellation? |
ServiceReceivedDate | VROL: Date services were received |
CreditVoucherTransactionReceipt | VROL: Was a credit voucher, voided transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement given? |
CreditVoucherTransactionReceiptDated | VROL: Is the credit voucher, transaction receipt, or refund acknowledgement dated? |
CreditVoucherOrTransactionReceiptDate | VROL: Date of credit voucher, transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement |
ChReceivedOrExpectedMerchandise | VROL: Date the cardholder received or expected to receive the merchandise |
CardholderReceiveMerchandiseInd | VROL: Did cardholder receive the merchandise? |
MerchandiseReceivedDate | VROL: Date merchandise was received |
CardholderReturnMerchandiseInd | VROL: Did the cardholder return the merchandise? |
CardholderReturnedMerchandiseDate | VROL: Date cardholder returned the merchandise |
ReturnedMerchandiseReceivedDate | VROL: Date merchant received returned merchandise |
ReturnMethod | VROL: Return Method |
HowMerchandiseReturned | VROL: Explain how the merchandise was returned |
ShippingTrackingNumber | VROL: Tracking Number |
CardholderAttemptReturnMerchandise | VROL: Did the cardholder attempt to return the merchandise? |
AttemptedReturnDate | VROL: Date of attempted return |
HowChAttemptReturnAndDispOfMerchandise | VROL: Provide a detailed description of how the cardholder attempted to return and the disposition of the merchandise |
MerchantRefuseAdvise | VROL: Provide certification of one of the following |
CardholderAttemptToResolve | VROL: Did the cardholder attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant? |
AttemptToResolveProhLocalLaw | VROL: Is attempt to resolve prohibited by local law or regulations? |
DetailsOfLocalLaw | VROL: Provide details of local law or regulations |
CancellationPolicyProvidedInd | VROL: Was a cancellation policy provided? |
ServiceType | VROL: Type of Service |
DateOfService | VROL: Date of service or expected service |
CertificationGuaranteedReservation | VROL: Certification of one of the following |
TimeshareDate | VROL: Date of the timeshare, or the date the contract or related documents were received |
OrderDetailsNotAsDescribed | VROL: Provide details of what was ordered and not as described |
MerchandiseServiceReceivedDate | VROL: Date merchandise or service was received |
MerchantDescDoNotMatchMerchandiseOrServices | VROL: Does the dispute involve merchandise or services provided that do not match the merchant's verbal description? |
MerchandiseOrServicesDifferFromDescribedOnReceipt | VROL: Did the merchandise or services differ from what was described on the receipt? |
PurchasedInfoAndQualityIssue | VROL: Provide information about what was purchased and the quality issue |
CardholderFirstNotifiedIssuerDisputeDate | VROL: Date the cardholder first notified the issuer of the dispute |
CorrectCurrency | VROL: Processed through VisaNet as [currency code]; what was the correct currency [followed by unlabeled alpha currency code dropdown] |
CardholderDidNotAgreeDCC | VROL: Certification that the Cardholder did not agree to Dynamic Currency Conversion and did not make an active choice |
DisputeAmountChangeReason | VROL: Why are you changing the dispute amount? |
CardholderMerchantPreviousNegotiationEvidence | VROL: Is there evidence of previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant? |
ExplainPrevNegotiation | VROL: Explain the previous ongoing negotiations between the cardholder and merchant |
WhenNegotiationsBegin | VROL: When did the negotiations begin? |