<Provisional Credit Reversed - Partial><Final Resolution><Continued Investigation>
Should you have further questions or if you wish to request the documentation we relied upon to make our decision, please contact us so we may assist you.
<Print Footer>
Sample 1
Dispute(s) are resolved and PC was not previously issued.
Based on this new information we have adjusted the dispute amount as shown above.
Should you have further questions or if you wish to request the documentation we relied upon to make our decision, please contact us so we may assist you.
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Print Footer |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Provisional Credit Reversed - Partial |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Final Resolution |
Should you have further questions or if you wish to request the documentation we relied upon to make our decision, please contact us so we may assist you.
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Print Footer |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Provisional Credit Reversed - Partial |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Continued Investigation |
Should you have further questions or if you wish to request the documentation we relied upon to make our decision, please contact us so we may assist you.
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Print Footer |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Continued Investigation |
Should you have further questions or if you wish to request the documentation we relied upon to make our decision, please contact us so we may assist you.
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Print Footer |