- ATM: The accountholder's deposit posted for the wrong amount, did not post at all, or the accountholder received an incorrect amount from an ATM withdrawal.
Questionnaire link - Authorization:An internal-only dispute reason used when a merchant failed to obtain proper authorization before settling a transaction. Used as a means of recovery. If the accountholder is notifying the FI of a dispute, this reason is never applicable.
- Dispute: This claim reason largely covers non-fraud scenarios for card transaction types including POI errors and merchandise/service-related issues. (Questionnaire link)
- Fraud: Unauthorized transactions were placed on the account. This applies to all transaction types. (Questionnaire link)
- Identity Theft: The accountholder has experienced an account-takeover situation wherein unauthorized changes were made to their account or an individual is reporting that they did not apply for the account and that the application was submitted by a fraudster. (Questionnaire link)
- Incorrect: The accountholder reports that an authorized transaction is incorrect including (but not limited to) the incorrect date, amount, or payee.
- Missing: The accountholder reports a missing deposit.
- Not Recognized: A specific recovery option as a part of a fraud claim. Include this selection for fraud analysts. Unauthorized transactions were placed on the account.
- Revoked: The accountholder authorized a recurring charge in the past but has since revoked their authorization. (Questionnaire link)