Setting Name | Description | Read Only? | Ticket Required? |
Dispute Reasons | Enable/disable the following dispute reasons:
| Yes | |
Fulfillment Only Dispute Reasons | Enable/disable the following dispute reasons (available only to fulfillment users):
| Yes | |
Claim Date Override | When enabled, intake users have the option to adjust the contact date to a previous date. This is typically used to support written claims. | Yes | |
FCRA Override | Ask FCRA intake questions? | Yes | |
Provisional Credit Override | Allow users to prevent any provisional credit automation from occurring. Can be applied to Fulfilment users, or Intake and Fulfillment. | ||
Police Report | Ask for police report details during intake for the following claim reason?
| Yes | |
Add Transactions (External) | Can intake users/external client users add transactions to existing claims? If enabled, the following parameters must be set:
| Yes | |
Manual Transactions | Can intake users/external client users manually add transactions during intake? | Yes | |
Card Issuance - Mailing Address | Confirm the mailing address for plastic delivery? | Yes | |
Card Issuance - Branch | Allow the option of instant issue at a branch? (Card will be blocked, but not reissued.) | Yes | |
Resolve Abandoned Timing | How long should an incomplete claim be available for resumption (up to 24 hours)? By default, 8 hours. | Yes | |
Abandoned Case Workflow | Require review of all abandoned cases via the Abandoned Case Workflow? For more details see Abandoned Claims Workflow. | Yes | |
Collect Intake Channel | Require intake users to identify communication channel where the claim originated? | Yes | |
Request Claim Details | Allow External Client Users to request additional details about the claim for audit purposes? This request must be fulfilled by a user. | Yes |