Versions Compared


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The compound interest formula below is used to calculate the interest and is then applied based on the start and end dates selected.  The interest accrued is then applied to the transaction amount for any subsequent rows so that the total amount calculated is cumulative. 

i = (((((((r/100)/dc)+1)^d^c)-1)*t)/c)*d

i -- –  Interest amount

r -- –  Interest rate as a %

t -- –  Transaction Amount

d c – Day Count Convention, either 360 or 365

d –  days in interest cycle

The simple interest formula below is used to calculate the interest and is then applied based on the start and end dates selected. The interest accrued is then applied to the transaction amount for any subsequent rows so that the total amount calculated is cumulative. 

i = t(1+ (r/100)/dc)*

i -- –  Interest Amount

r -- –  Interest rate as a %

t -- –  Transaction Amount

d c – Day Count Convention, either 360 or 365

d – days in interest cycle

titleInterest Details

Interest calculation details, such as dates, rates, and amount, can be viewed from the Overview tab.
