This guide explains how to use the interaction API to view claims, add and view Attachments, Notes, and Transactions to claims, view and resend Correspondence, and request that a case is withdrawn or reopened.
Interaction API
Finding and viewing Cases
Request a Case to be reopened
List Tasks
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- Request to reopen a case that is already open
- Request to reopen a case that already has a reopen request in process
- Request to reopen a dispute that is not on the specified claim
Request a Case to be withdrawn
Request a Case to be reopened
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List Tasks
Use the endpoint, to get a list of tasks for a claim or client
The /task/list endpoint request requires the following parameters:
- This is a UUID
- This is used to retrieve all tasks for a claim
or ClientId and TaskLabel
- This is used to retrieve all of the tasks of a specific task label for a specific client
- The /tasks/list endpoint request supports the following parameters for additional result set configuration:
- PageNum - page to retrieve, default to 1 for first page of results
- PageSize - number of items to retrieve per page, defaults to 1000
- SortBy - result field to sort by, defaults to CreateDateTime
- SortType - ASC for ascending, DESC for descending. Defaults to ASC
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