Swaggerhub: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Quavo/QFD-public/1.1.0
Interaction API
Finding and viewing Cases
Adding and viewing Attachments
Adding and viewing Transactions
Viewing, downloading, and resending Correspondence
Request a Case to be withdrawn
- Follow the Finding and viewing Cases instructions to get a valid ClaimId
- Use the endpoint, www.example.com/QFDAPI/v1/correspondence/list to get a list of Correspondence linked to a claim as well as details about the Correspondence
- The LinkReference ID returned in /correspondence/list can be used to retrieve a specific correspondence
- The LinkReference value can also be passed into the /attachment/retrieve endpoint to download the correspondence. See Adding and viewing Attachments
- Use the endpoint, www.example.com/QFDAPI/v1/correspondence/retrieve to retrieve a specific correspondence by passing in the LinkReference value
- This endpoint returns EmailStyleMarkup and Body