Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | qvo-stg | |
Key | ClientId | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | Default | |
Key | ClaimId | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2306060014C | |
Key | DisputeId | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2306050001D | |
Dispute Details | Status | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | Open-ProcessLiability | |
Dispute Details | StatusChangeDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Dispute Details | DisputeAmount | NUMBER(9,2) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 185.00 | |
Transaction Details | TransactionId | VARCHAR(128) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | ABC123456789 | |
Transaction Details | Amount | NUMBER(9,2) | Amount of the transaction. | ALWAYS | 185.00 | |
Transaction Details | AmountPosted | NUMBER(9,2) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 185.00 | |
Transaction Details | AuthCode | VARCHAR(32) | de23ee9f-1394-4295-aa2b-12a094417afaeJyLjgUAARUAuQ==glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 855410 | Available in 24.01.03. |
Transaction Details | IsManualTransaction | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the transaction information was entered manually by the intake user. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Available in 24.01.03. |
Transaction Details | TransactionDate | DATE | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-11-11 | |
Transaction Details | PostingDate | DATE | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-11-12 | |
Transaction Details | AcquirerNetwork | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | VISA | |
Transaction Details | AcquirerReferenceNumber | VARCHAR(32) | 60d14521-eef9-4246-bb64-37f53c6b84c8glossary_descriptioneJyLjgUAARUAuQ==false | CONDITIONAL | 24055233349083742325779 | |
Transaction Details | TransactionType | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | Card - Pinless | |
Transaction Details | AuthorizationStatus | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | Pending, Posted | |
Transaction Details | Description | VARCHAR(256) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | GOOGLE *YouTube | |
Transaction Details | MerchantCategoryCode | VARCHAR(6) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 4829 | |
Transaction Details | MerchantName | VARCHAR(256) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | GOOGLE *YouTube | |
Transaction Details | POSEntryMode | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 05 | |
Dispute Details | HasChargebackRights | BOOLEAN | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | FALSE | |
Dispute Details | IsChargebackSubmitted | BOOLEAN | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | FALSE | |
Dispute Details | OriginalDisputeAmount | NUMBER(9,2) | 3f845230-765d-4312-9e52-3e4b70cc0e1fglossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 185.00 | Available in 24.01.03. |
Dispute Details | NextRecoveryDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Accounting Details | AccountHolderTotal | NUMBER(9,2) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 185.00 | |
Accounting Details | MerchantTotal | NUMBER(9,2) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 185.00 | |
Accounting Details | LossTotal | NUMBER(9,2) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 185.00 | |
Accounting Details | AppliedCreditsTotal | NUMBER(9,2) | c0661816-783b-447e-a8a6-34e54c5949c7glossary_descriptioneJyLjgUAARUAuQ==false | CONDITIONAL | 185.00 | Value only exists when 1, or more, merchant credits applied to dispute. |
Dispute Details | Decision | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | Deny | |
Dispute Details | DenyReason | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | No Error | |
Dispute Details | DenySubReason | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | Out of Timeframe | |
Dispute Details | DenyDebitDate | DATE | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-12-06 | |
Dispute Details | InvestigationCompleteDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-11-28 17:32:46.625 | |
Dispute Details | CustomerFinalProcessingDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-11-28 17:32:46.625 | |
Dispute Details | ResolvedDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-11-28 17:32:46.625 | |
Dispute Details | LastReopenDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | 2023-11-28 17:32:46.625 | |
Dispute Details | DisputeStatusDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | | CONDITIONAL | 2023-11-28 17:32:46.625 | |
Dispute Details | IsAutoDenyLetterSuppressed | BOOLEAN | | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | |
Dispute Details | IsAutoPaidLetterSuppressed | BOOLEAN | | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | |
Dispute Details | IsAutoPCLetterSuppressed | BOOLEAN | | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | |
Dispute Details | IsReopened | BOOLEAN | | CONDITIONAL | FALSE | |
Deflection Details | WasReviewedForMerchantCredit | BOOLEAN | TRUE when a merchant credit was presented during intake in an attempt to resolved the dispute. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | WasReviewedForPurchaseInquiry | BOOLEAN | TRUE when purchase inquiry details were presented during intake in an attempt to resolved the dispute. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | WasReviewedForUndisputedHistory | BOOLEAN | TRUE when undisputed history was presented during intake in an attempt to resolved the dispute. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | IsDeflectedFromMerchantCredit | BOOLEAN | TRUE when the dispute was resolved in intake via merchant credit. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | IsDeflectedFromPurchaseInquiry | BOOLEAN | TRUE when the dispute was resolved in intake via purchase inquiry details. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | IsDeflectedFromUndisputedHistory | BOOLEAN | TRUE when the dispute was resolved in intake via undisputed history details. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Deflection Details | IsDeflectedFromIntake | BOOLEAN | TRUE when the dispute was resolved in intake via any deflection method. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only available with the Deflection booster. |
Metadata | CreateDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | SaveDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | EventDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | EventIdentifier | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 70b1c86d-d06f-4c93-bab2-0e938a4ef768 | |
Metadata | EventItemId | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | qvo-stg|2302030002D | |