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This is a decision point to determine if temporary credit will be issued to the account holder.

Assignment Group

Initial Review



A provisional credit is a temporary credit issued to the account holder's account. In the dispute process, a provisional credit is provided while the investigation continues. The purpose of a provisional credit is to prevent additional monetary loss to the account holder due to an unauthorized charge or disputed transaction.


  • Do users deny disputes with no recovery rights?

  • Is a fraud investigation required prior to PC issuance on fraud claims?

  • Do users reach out to the account holder for additional information if needed for recovery prior to PC issuance?

  • How and when should users notate the work they completed for this assignment?

  • Should QFD continue with recovery after the dispute has been written-off?




Step 1: Determine if provisional credit should be issued or if the dispute needs to be denied or paid following internal guidelines

Step 2A: To grant provisional credit, click the Grant Provisional Credit button which will issue provisional credit to all disputes with this assignment

  1. Ensure the Send Provisional Credit Communication drop-down reflects Yes

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Step 2B: To make a write-off decision, click the Grant Final Credit button which will pay all disputes with this assignment or select Grant Final Credit by clicking on the Other Actions button to write-off the selected dispute

  1. Answer the question Do you want to pursue recovery after granting final credit? with Yes or No according to your firm's best practices

    • If Yes is selected, the dispute will be paid and QFD will move forward with the recovery process

    • If No is selected, the dispute will be paid and recovery will not be pursued

  2. Optional: Provide an explanation as to why you made the pay decision in the Reason field

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Step 2C: To make a deny decision, click the Deny All button to deny all disputes with this assignment or select Deny Dispute by clicking on the Other Actions button to deny the selected dispute

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  1. Choose a deny reason under the Reason for Denial drop-down

  2. Enter the reason for the denial in the Deny Comments if required (asterisk)

Step 2D: If documents or information are needed, take the following actions

  1. Click the Cancel button if you've expanded the assignment

  2. Select Pend by clicking on the Other Actions button

  3. Select Customer Response from the Pend Reason drop-down

  4. Update the Business/Calendar days to resume: according to internal best practices

  5. Select Yes from the Send Additional Information Communication? drop-down

  6. Using the calendar tool, update the Response Required by Date to match the Business/Calendar days to resume:

  7. Under Find Existing Content, select the templates that meet the document or information need or use the Add a Custom Section to enter the request in a freeform box

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Step 3: Click the Apply button

Step 4: Click the Process Actions button


The Other Actions menu offers additional actions and information that allows the user to effectively work the task. Image Removed


Deny Dispute

The Deny Dispute option allows the user to deny the selected dispute. In the Initial Investigation assignment, users may need to deny due to the account holder withdrawing their claim or the dispute has no recovery rights. 


Bulk Actions enable users to apply action to multiple disputes at once, saving the user time. Image Removed


Bulk Take Action

This button is available when there are multiple disputes present in the selected node. The bulk action applied will impact only the disputes on the page you're currently viewing if there are multiple pages due to the number of disputed transactions. Image Removed


Grant Provisional Credit

This button allows the user to issue provisional credit to all disputes with the Initial Investigation assignment. 
