Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Tenant ID |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | qvo-stg | |
Key | Tenant | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include macro |
macro_uuid | 92aefef2-6d9d-4064-a29c-4aff6b6b5512 |
name | glossary_description |
templateData | eJyLjgUAARUAuQ== |
page | Tenant |
addpanel | false |
| ALWAYS | Default | |
Key | ClientId | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Client ID |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | Default | |
Key | Client | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include macro |
macro_uuid | 92aefef2-6d9d-4064-a29c-4aff6b6b5512 |
name | glossary_description |
templateData | eJyLjgUAARUAuQ== |
page | Client |
addpanel | false |
| ALWAYS | Default | |
Claim Details | ClaimType | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim Type |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | Card-Pinless | |
Claim Details | ClaimCategory | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim Category |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | Fraud | |
Claim Details | ClaimReason | VARCHAR(64) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim Reason |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | Stolen | |
Reclassification Details | PreviousClaimCategory | VARCHAR | Claim Category prior to reclassification. | ALWAYS | Dispute | |
Reclassification Details | PreviousClaimReason | VARCHAR | Claim Reason prior to reclassification. | ALWAYS | Not Received | |
Key | ClaimId | VARCHAR(32) | Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
PageWithExcerpt | Claim ID |
shouldDisplayInlineCommentsInIncludes | false |
| ALWAYS | 2306060014C | |
Claim Details | ClaimCreateDate | DATE | Multiexcerpt include |
macro_uuid | 45c8dff0-944f-4e53-8ee3-da245af4a176 |
templateData | eJyLjgUAARUAuQ== |
MultiExcerptName | glossary_description |
addpanel | false |
PageWithExcerpt | CREATEDATETIME |
| ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 | |
Claim Details | ClaimCreatedBy | VARCHAR | Name of user that originally created the claim. | ALWAYS | D. Robertson | |
Reclassification Details | ReclassificationDateTime | DATE | Datetime that the claim was reclassified. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 | |