This guide explains how to use the Intake API to create claims, add reasons, transactions, and details about the claim, and submit the claim to be finalized.
Intake API
Drawio |
border | true |
| |
diagramName | QFD API Intake Flow |
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tbstyle | top |
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diagramWidth | 1901 |
revision | 9 |
Anchor |
| ChoosingACustomer |
| ChoosingACustomer |
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of CustomerIds and other customer details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveCustomers endpoint also returns Name, EmailAddress, Phone, Address, and SecondaryPhone
- CustomerId is required when creating a new claim and can be used to retrieve accounts
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | ChoosingACustomer |
simpleViewer | false |
width | links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 611 |
revision | 1 |
- If needed, follow Choosing a Customer to get a valid CustomerId
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of AccountNumbers and other account details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveAccounts endpoint takes in CustomerId as a parameter and the response will only return accounts for the passed in CustomerId
- Description, OpenDate, and Balance are also returned
- AccountNumber is required when creating a new claim
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | ChoosingAnAccount |
simpleViewer | false |
width | links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 611 |
revision | 2 |
- If needed, follow Choosing a Customer and Choosing an Account to get a valid CustomerId and AccountNumber
- Use the endpoint, to create a new claim
- The /claim/intake/create endpoint takes in CustomerId and AccountNumber as parameters and the claim will be created for the passed in IDs
- ClaimId is returned
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | CreatingAClaim |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 431 |
revision | 3 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingAddingClaimReasons |
| RetrievingAddingClaimReasons |
Retrieving and Adding Claim Reasons
- After Creating A Claim, use the endpoint, with a valid ClaimId to get the reason questionnaire for the claim
- The returned questionnaire contains questions to display so the user can classify the type and reason for the claim. The API returns appropriate questions for that given claim
- Using the returned questionnaire, a QuestionList of the users answered questions can be built to sent to /claim/intake/addClaimReasons. See Swaggerhub Documentation
- Use the endpoint, to submit the built QuestionList
- After submitting the users answers, the next step in the intake process is Retrieving and Adding Transactions
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingAndAddingClaimReasons |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingAddingTransactions |
| RetrievingAddingTransactions |
Retrieving and Adding Transactions
- After Creating A Claim, and Retrieving and Adding Claim Reasons, use the endpoint, to get a list of valid transactions to add to the claim
- The /claim/intake/retrieveTransactions endpoint returns a TransactionList of transactions that contains a TransactionId. This ID is needed to add the transaction to the claim
- The /claim/intake/retrieveTransactions endpoint takes in optional parameters SearchStartDate, SearchEndDate, SearchAmount, SearchMerchantName which can be used to search for specific transactions
- using the endpoint,, submit a TransactionList of TransactionIds that the user has selected. See Swaggerhub Documentation
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingAddingTransactions |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 3 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingSubmittingQuestionnaire |
| RetrievingSubmittingQuestionnaire |
Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire
- After Creating A Claim, Retrieving and Adding Claim Reasons, and Retrieving and Adding Transactions
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of questions for the user to answer
- Using the returned questionnaire, a QuestionList of the users answered questions can be built to sent to /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire. See Swaggerhub Documentation
- Some claim types return a question that contains an APIDocumentationList. If present, the defined endpoints must be called before calling /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire. See Swaggerhub Documentation
- Use the endpoint, to submit the built QuestionList
- After submitting the users answers, the next step in the intake process is Retrieving and Completing Document Requirements
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingSubmittingQuestionnaire |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingCreditTransactions |
| RetrievingCreditTransactions |
Retrieving and Adding Credit Transactions- If /claim/intake/retrieveCreditTransactions and /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions are defined as endpoints in the APIDocumentationList when retrieving the questionnaire, then they must be called before /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire
- These endpoints are required when the claim reason is credit not issued and the user has indicated partial credit was issued
- Use the endpoint, to retrieve a list of credit transactions the user can select
- The /claim/intake/retrieveCreditTransactions endpoint returns a TransactionList of TransactionIds and other transaction details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveCreditTransactions takes in optional parameters SearchStartDate, SearchEndDate, SearchAmount, SearchMerchantName to search for specific credit transactions
- Use the endpoint, to add the credit transactions to the claim
- The /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions endpoint takes in a TransactionList of TransactionIds from the above retrieveCreditTransactions endpoint response
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingAndAddingCreditTransactions |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingSimilarTransactions |
| RetrievingSimilarTransactions |
Retrieving and Adding Similar Transactions- If /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions and /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions are defined as endpoints in the APIDocumentationList when retrieving the questionnaire, then they must be called before /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire
- These endpoints are required when the claim reason is merchant duplicate and the user has indicated that the duplicate transaction is on the same account as the disputed transaction
- Use the endpoint, to retrieve a list of transactions the user can select
- The /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions endpoint returns a TransactionList of TransactionIds and other transaction details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions takes in optional parameters SearchStartDate, SearchEndDate, SearchAmount, SearchMerchantName to search for specific transactions
- Use the endpoint, to add the transactions to the claim
- The /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions endpoint takes in a TransactionList of TransactionIds from the above retrieveSimilarTransactions endpoint response
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingAndAddingSimilarTransactions |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingSimilarTransactionsOtherAccount |
| RetrievingSimilarTransactionsOtherAccount |
Retrieving and Adding Similar Transactions on Another Account- If /claim/intake/retrieveOtherAccounts and /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions and /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions are defined as endpoints in the APIDocumentationList when retrieving the questionnaire, then they must be called before /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire
- These endpoints are required when the claim reason is merchant duplicate and the user has indicated that the duplicate transaction is on a different account than the disputed transaction
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of other accounts for the customer
- The /claim/intake/retrieveOtherAccounts endpoint returns accounts for the claim's customer. The response includes an AccountList of AccountNumbers and other account details
- Use the endpoint, and provide a SearchAccountNumber to retrieve a list of transactions the user can select from the other account.
- The /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions endpoint returns a TransactionList of TransactionIds and other transaction details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveSimilarTransactions takes in optional parameters SearchStartDate, SearchEndDate, SearchAmount, SearchMerchantName to search for specific transactions
- Use the endpoint, to add the transactions to the claim
- The /claim/intake/addSimilarTransactions endpoint takes in a TransactionList of TransactionIds from the above retrieveSimilarTransactions endpoint response
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingTransactionsOtherAccount |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 1031 |
revision | 4 |
Anchor |
| AddingCheckDeposits |
| AddingCheckDeposits |
Adding Check Deposits
- If /claim/intake/addCheckDeposits is defined as an endpoint in the APIDocumentationList when retrieving the questionnaire, then it must be called before /claim/intake/addQuestionnaire
- The /claim/intake/addCheckDeposits are required when the given claim is ATM Deposit and the user is disputing checks deposited
- Use the endpoint to add check deposit details to the claim
- The /claim/intake/addCheckDeposits endpoint takes in a CheckDepositList of check deposits. Each check having an Amound, CheckNumber, Date, and From
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | AddingCheckDeposits |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 410 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingCompletingDocRequirements |
| RetrievingCompletingDocRequirements |
Retrieving and Completing Document Requirements
- After Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire, use the endpoint to retrieve the claims document requirements
- The /claim/intake/retrieveDocRequirements endpoint returns a DocumentRequirementList, a list of document requirements for the given claim
- If the DocumentRequirementList has one or more items defined, then use the endpoint to add the required documents to the claim
- The /claim/intake/addDocuments endpoint takes in a DocumentRequirementList that contains DocumentStreams for each of the document requirements and other document details. See Swaggerhub Documentation
- The user can also opt to skip adding required documents for now and add them later on
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingAddingDocRequirements |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 641 |
revision | 2 |
Anchor |
| VerifyingCorrChannels |
| VerifyingCorrChannels |
Verifying Correspondence Channels
- After Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire, use the endpoint to retrieve correspondence channels for the given claim
- Only required and supported if client has multi-channel verification enabled
- The /claim/intake/retrieveCorrespondenceChannels returns a CorrespondenceChannelList of correspondence channels. If isEditable is true for the defined channel, then the correspondence channel can be updated by the user
- Use the endpoint to verify or edit correspondence channels
- The /claim/intake/verifyCorrespondenceChannels takes in a CorrespondenceChannelList of correspondence channels.
- If the correspondence channel is correct, then IsVerifiedCorrect must be set to true for that channel
- If the correspondence channel needs to be changed, then IsVerifiedCorrect must be set to false, and new values provided for the channel. See Swaggerhub Documentation
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | VerifyingCorrespondenceChanels |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 760 |
revision | 5 |
Anchor |
| RetrievingClaimSummary |
| RetrievingClaimSummary |
Retrieving Summary and Submitting Claim- After Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire, use the endpoint to retrieve the claim summary before submitting
- The /claim/intake/retrieveSummary returns CorrespondenceDetails, SummaryContactHeader, TransactionDetails, and SummaryQuestionnaire
- The SummaryQuestionnaire and CorrespondenceDetails follows the same structure as Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire and Retrieving
- and Adding Claim Reasons
- After the user answers all the questions in the questionnaire and chooses a correspondence channel, use the endpoint to submit the SummaryQuestionnaire and submit the claim
- The /claim/intake/submit takes in SummaryQuestionnaire and CorrespondenceDetails. See Swaggerhub Documentation
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | RetrievingSubmittingClaim |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 610 |
revision | 1 |
Anchor |
| SubmitClaimConfirmation |
| SubmitClaimConfirmation |
Retrieving Confirmation...
- , use the endpoint to retrieve confirmation documents
- The /claim/intake/retrieveConfirmation returns ConfirmationDocumentStream, ConfirmationMessageMarkup, ConfirmationHeader, and ConfirmationDocumentName
Drawio |
border | true |
diagramName | QFD API Intake FlowRetrievingConfirmation |
simpleViewer | false |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 4101581 |
revision | 2 |