The Provisional Credit step is critical to most claims workflows. This is a decision point to determine if temporary credit will be issued to the account holder. This step may be entirely automated, depending on your configuration. See the Configuration section below for more details. It is important to note that provisional credit is a claim-level decision that will impact all disputed transactions that have not already been resolved.
Extension Points
To configure provisional credit to be automatically granted or denied when a claim is submitted, see Initial Interaction Decision.
To configure how the provisional credit decision is made, see Provisional Credit Preconditions.
To configure require approvals for provisional credit decisions, see Provisional Credit Decision Approval.
To enable an override of any provisional credit automation during intake, see Provisional Credit Manual Override.
To grant provisional credit when the pend for fraud review decision is "Accept", set D_ImplConfig.FraudReviewAcceptAppliesPC to true.