This guide explains how to use the Intake API to create claims, add reasons, transactions, and details about the claim, and submit the claim to be finalized.
Intake API
Choosing a Customer
Choosing an Account
Creating a Claim
Retrieving and Adding Claim Reasons
Retrieving and Adding Transactions
Retrieving and Submitting Questionnaire
Retrieving Recognized Transactions
Retrieving Credit Transactions
Retrieving Similar Transactions
Retrieving Similar Transactions on Another Account
Retrieving and Completing Document Requirements
Verifying Correspondence Channels
Retrieving Claim Summary
Submitting Claim and Retrieving Confirmation
Choosing a Customer
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of CustomerIds and other customer details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveCustomers endpoint also returns Name, EmailAddress, Phone, Address, and SecondaryPhone
- CustomerId is required when creating a new claim and can be used to retrieve accounts
Choosing an Account
- If needed, follow Choosing a Customer to get a valid CustomerId
- Use the endpoint, to get a list of AccountNumbers and other account details
- The /claim/intake/retrieveAccounts endpoint takes in CustomerId as a parameter and the response will only return accounts for the passed in CustomerId
- Description, OpenDate, and Balance are also returned
- AccountNumber is required when creating a new claim
Creating a Claim
- If needed, follow Choosing a Customer and Choosing an Account to get a valid CustomerId and AccountNumber
- Use the endpoint, to create a new claim
- The /claim/intake/create endpoint takes in CustomerId and AccountNumber as parameters and the claim will be created for the passed in IDs
- ClaimId is returned
Retrieving and Adding Claim Reasons
- After Creating A Claim, use the endpoint, to get