Client Event | Fields
Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Definition | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | Unique ID associated with each Quavo client. | ALWAYS | qvo-stg |
Key | ClientId | VARCHAR(32) | A unique ID representing a single client. | ALWAYS | Default |
Client Details | LegalName | VARCHAR(64) | The legal name assigned to the issuer, which is used in various correspondence templates. | ALWAYS | Quavo, Inc. |
Client Details | CommonName | VARCHAR(64) | The common name of the issuer, as identified by it's employees and customers/members. This value is used in various places throughout the application. See also, Legal Name. | CONDITIONAL | Quavo | Only applicable when configured. |
Client Details | InstitutionType | VARCHAR(64) | Identifies the type of tenant. Examples include "Bank", "Credit Union", "Processor", etc. Primarily used for internal reporting at Quavo. | CONDITIONAL | Bank | Only applicable when configured. |
Client Details | City | VARCHAR(64) | Client City | CONDITIONAL | East Lansing | Only applicable when configured. |
Client Details | State | VARCHAR(64) | Client State | CONDITIONAL | MI | Only applicable when configured. |
Client Details | Zip | VARCHAR(64) | Client Zip Code | CONDITIONAL | 48823 | Only applicable when configured. |
Client Details | Country | VARCHAR(64) | Client Country | CONDITIONAL | US | Only applicable when configured. |
Metadata | EventDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The datetime that the event was recorded. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Metadata | EventIdentifier | VARCHAR(64) | A unique ID associated with each business event. | ALWAYS | 70b1c86d-d06f-4c93-bab2-0e938a4ef768 |
Metadata | EventItemId | VARCHAR(64) | An ID included with each business event that identifies the tenant and Claim ID or Dispute ID associated with the event. | ALWAYS | qvo-stg|Default |