Data Category Event Field/Column Name Data Type Description Applicability Sample Value Notes Key TenantId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with each Quavo client. ALWAYS qvo-stg Key ClientId VARCHAR(64) A unique ID representing a single client. ALWAYS Default Key ClaimId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with a claim. Format: YYMMDD<Ordinal Number>"C" Example: 2405230003C ALWAYS 2306060014C Key DisputeId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with a disputed transaction. Format: YYMMDD#####"D" ALWAYS 2306060014D Reopen Details Status VARCHAR(32) Status of the claim at the time of the request. ALWAYS Resolved-Denied Reopen Details RequestDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) Datetime that the request was submitted. ALWAYS 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Reopen Details Decision VARCHAR(16) The decision applied by the back office user. ALWAYS Accept, Decline Reopen Details DenyReason VARCHAR Represents the deny reason that was applied prior to the request. ALWAYS No Error Reopen Details NewInformation VARCHAR Indicates whether new information was provided as part of the request. ALWAYS Yes, No Reopen Details RequestedByExternalUser BOOLEAN Indicates whether the request was made via External Case Status, or processed via Actions menu. CONDITIONAL TRUE Reopen Details PerformedByUserId VARCHAR(128) The unique ID of the operator that performed an action. ALWAYS Metadata EventDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) The datetime that the event was recorded. ALWAYS 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Metadata EventIdentifier VARCHAR(64) A unique ID associated with each business event. ALWAYS 56f34472-3412-4144-b4c7-430b928f1d24 Metadata EventItemId VARCHAR(64) An ID included with each business event that identifies the tenant and Claim ID or Dispute ID associated with the event. ALWAYS qvo-stg|2306050001D