blah blah
Confirmation number/claim id
What happens next section
- Required docs
- auto pc
- auto pc
- interest fee stuff
- resolution times
Confirmation letter
The Confirmation Screen is last the page in the claim creation process. This page provides valuable information such as any requested documents, any auto-issued credits to the account holder's account, and the claim resolution timeframe.
The transaction grid differs when pending charges are disputed.
Step 1: Provide the confirmation number
Step 2: Discuss the content in the What Happens Next section
The What Happens Next section includes details that make recapping the call easy. The information here clarifies any required documents, content about provisional credit, fees, and interest, and resolution timelines.
Requested Documents
If there is a document requirement, the What Happens Next section will include a bullet advising to complete and return the form within the next 10 business days.
Auto Pay
Auto Provisional Credit
Interest and Fees
Resolution Times