Excerpt |
Sent when the Duplicate Credit action is processed. |
<Manual Header>
<Opening - Unresolved>
<Transaction Grid>
The merchant(s) have issued you the following credit(s):
<Provisional Credit Reversed><Final Resolution>
<Print Footer>
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Manual Header |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Opening - Unresolved |
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | Sample1 |
PageWithExcerpt | Transaction Grid |
The merchant(s) have issued you the following credit(s):
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample1 |
PageWithExcerpt | Credit Grid |
As a result, we have reversed the duplicate credit. Please make any necessary corrections to your records to reflect this adjustment.
At this time your claim is considered closed and no further action is required.
Multiexcerpt include |
MultiExcerptName | sample |
PageWithExcerpt | Print Footer |
Page Properties |
Rule | PartialDenyMerchantIssuedCredit |
Stagil incoming links macro |