- Issuer Declaration that indicates the Chargeback description.
- Cardmember attempted to resolve with merchantThe Cardmember’s Documentation or Issuer Declaration detailing one of the following:
- Cardmember’s attempt(s) to return the partially received Goods, or
- Cardmember’s attempt(s) to cancel the partially received Services and receive credit from the S/E (including the date(s), person(s) contacted, and communication method(s) used by the Cardmember), or
- Cardmember becomes aware that the expected Goods and Services would not be provided, or
- Non-receipt of Goods and Services. In the case of Transactions to fund an SVDF, Cardmember’s claim that the funds were not loaded to the SVDF or only partially loaded.
- When disputing ATM transactions a retrieval request needs to be placed prior to submitting a chargeback