Goods and Services Not Received (4554)

Goods and Services Not Received (4554)

Chargeback Reason

Goods or Services were only partially delivered or not delivered at all. Included in this description are funds dispensed from an ATM or funds loaded to a Stored Value Digital Facility (SVDF).


  • The Goods or Services purchased by the Cardmember were only partially received or not received at all. Where partial receipt makes the entire purchase unsuitable or unacceptable, the Cardmember must attempt to return the Goods received or cancel the Services before full Credit may be authorized.
  • In the case of Transactions to fund an SVDF, the funds were not loaded to the SVDF or only partially loaded.
  • In the case of funds dispensed from an ATM or funds loaded to an SVDF, no return of partially dispensed/loaded funds is necessary. The Chargeback amount is the amount of funds claimed not to have been received.
  • Except in the case of ATM Transactions, Transactions to fund an SVDF, or Transactions where the Goods or Services were not received at all, the Issuer must request that the Cardmember make an attempt to contact the merchant to return the Goods or cancel the Services in compliance with both the merchant’s return policy and local laws and regulations.


The Issuer must meet all the following condition:

  1. The Cardmember made a Good Faith attempt to either obtain or cancel the Goods or Services not received or return the partially received Good or Services in compliance with both the merchant’s cancellation/return policy and local law and regulation.

And one (1) or more of the following conditions is also met:

  1. The amount to be charged back will either be for that part of the Goods or Services which were not received or for the entire Transaction amount when partially delivered shipments have been returned to the merchant. In the case of funds dispensed from an ATM, no return of partially dispensed funds is necessary.
  2. The Cardmember ordered Goods or Services via mail/telephone/Internet means, to be delivered to the address specified by the Cardmember and the Goods or Services were not received.
  3. In the case of Transactions to fund an SVDF, the funds were not loaded to the SVDF or only partially loaded. The amount to be charged back is limited to the difference between the Presentment Amount and the amount loaded to the SVDF. No return of partially loaded funds is necessary.


If applicable, before initiating a Dispute, an Issuer must wait 15 calendar days from either:

  • The expected date of delivery
  • Transaction Date if delivery is unscheduled
  • The date the Cardmember returned/attempted to return

Note: In the event chargeback deadline date will be lost if the dispute is pended the system will not pend the case and send the chargeback prior to the deadline.

A Dispute must be processed no later than either:

  • Point of Sale (POS) Transactions
    • 120 days from the date of the merchants' written acknowledgment of credit due
    • 120 days from the expected date of receipt of the goods and service.
    • 120 days from the date the cardmember became aware that the expected goods and services would not be provided.  (Note: Not to exceed 540 days from the network processing date)
    • 120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment.
  • Stored Value Digital Facility (SVDF) and ATM Transactions
    • 120 days from Network Processing Date when the dispute is related to a Stored Value Digital Facility (SVDF)
    • 45 days from Network Processing Date when the dispute is related to a ATM transaction


  • Cardmember attempted to resolve with merchant
  • When disputing ATM transactions a retrieval request needs to be placed prior to submitting a chargeback

Document Requirements

  • Credit Voucher - Required when a Cardmember indicates the merchant provided a credit voucher
  • Return Details Documentation - Required when a Cardmember indicates proof of return can be provided in claim intake

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