Credit Not Presented (4513)

Credit Not Presented (4513)

Chargeback Reason

Any of the following:

  • Cardmember received written acknowledgment of a Credit due to the Card Account from the merchant, but the Issuer has not received a Credit that it can post to the Cardmember's Account, or
  • Goods or Services were cancelled, refused, or returned in compliance with the merchant's policy but a Credit was never received by Cardmember, or
  • The Cardmember was incorrectly billed for a No Show Reservation or Advance Deposit Transaction and a Credit was not received by the Cardmember.


The following conditions exist for Chargebacks processed under this ISO Code:

The Issuer may charge back a Transaction using this Chargeback ISO Code under one (1) of the following circumstances:

  1. The Cardmember received written acknowledgment of a Credit due to the Card Account from the merchant, but the Issuer has not received a Presentment of Credit from the Acquirer that it can post to the Cardmember's Account.
  2. In compliance with the stated policy of the merchant or any applicable laws or regulations, the Cardmember:
    1. Cancelled an order for Goods or Services, or
    2. Refused delivery for Goods or Services, or
    3. Returned Goods that have been received, and
    4. The Issuer has not received a Presentment of Credit from the Acquirer that it can post to the Cardmember's Account.
  3. The Cardmember was incorrectly billed for:
    1. A No Show Reservation Transaction, or
    2. An Advance Deposit or Payment, and
    3. The Issuer has not received a Presentment of Credit from the Acquirer that it can post to the Cardmember's Account.


The following conditions exist for Chargebacks processed under this ISO Code:

  1. For Chargebacks processed under Chargeback description one (1), two (2), or three (3) of this ISO Code:
    1. The Issuer must wait fifteen (15) days from the following before processing the Chargeback:
      1. The date of the merchant's written acknowledgment of credit, or
      2. The date the Cardmember returned, refused, or cancelled the Goods or Services.
    2. The amount to be charged back is limited to the amount of the unprocessed credit of the No Show Reservation or Advance Deposit Transaction Amount or Goods and Services returned or cancelled.
  2. In addition, and as applicable, the following conditions also exist for Chargebacks processed under:
    1. Chargeback description two (2) of this ISO Code - The Issuer must ensure the Cardmember made a Good Faith attempt to:
      1. Return the Goods, or cancel the order(s) for Goods or Services, and receive Credit from the merchant


If applicable, before initiating a Dispute, an Issuer must wait 15 calendar days from either:

  • The date of the merchant's written acknowledgment of credit
  • The date the Cardmember returned, refused, or cancelled the Goods or Services.

Note: In the event chargeback deadline date will be lost if the dispute is pended the system will not pend the case and send the chargeback prior to the deadline.

A Dispute must be processed no later than either:

  • 120 days from the date of the merchants' written acknowledgment of credit due
  • 120 days from the date Goods or Services were cancelled, refused, or returned by Cardmember
  • 120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment.


  • Cardmember attempted to resolve with merchant*
  • Cardmember cancelled in accordance with merchant's cancellation policy

Document Requirements

  • Credit Voucher - Required when a Cardmember indicates the merchant provided a credit voucher
  • Return Details Documentation - Required when a Cardmember indicates proof of return can be provided in claim intake
  • Proof of Cancellation - Required when a Cardmember is disputing a No-Show charge from a hotel when the service was cancelled.

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