

Tollgates are a way for the system to ensure that a set of requirements have all been satisfied before a claim advances to its next stage.  They solve a user experience challenge in which individual disputes can be resolved at various times while others remain in-flight, which can lead to errors and confusion about what actions should be executed.  The tollgates ensure that all disputes within a claim have advanced to the same point before the claim itself can move forward, which simplifies the user experience and reduces the time users spend working claims.

There are 3 tollgates: Investigation, Disposition, and Resolution.

NOTE: This is a high-level workflow meant to illustrate the general dispute flow as it relates to tollgates.  Not all steps are displayed.

Investigation Tollgate

The purpose of the Investigation Tollgate is to ensure that all prerequisite processes have completed so that the claim can be analyzed and dispositioned as a whole, which is more inline with how decisions are made.  This will prevent some disputes from moving ahead while others are left behind and ensure that the user has better control over the claim, as a whole.  The following processes must all be complete before the claim can move on to disposition:

  • Authorization Posting
  • Enrichment
  • Merchant Collaboration
  • Merchant Credit Check
  • Chargeback Rights Evaluation
  • Initial Interaction
  • ARIA

Once the claim is in disposition, some disputes may be identified as eligible for chargeback. 

Investigation Tollgate Assignment

When a dispute is waiting at the Investigation tollgate, an assignment will be displayed with a "Resume Tollgate" action button.  This is a system assignment and does not require any user action.

Disposition Tollgate

When disputes enter the Disposition step, QFD will evaluate the disputes to determine the following for each dispute:

  1. Does the dispute pass the validations for chargeback rights?  See individual recovery options for validation rules.
  2. Does the dispute meet the prioritization criteria to be eligible for a chargeback?
  3. Is the dispute above the recovery threshold established by the client?

If the dispute passes all of these checks, or there is insufficient information to make these determinations, it will enter the Recovery flow.  If one or more of these checks does not pass, the dispute will wait in Disposition for recovery actions to complete for all other disputes.

Disposition Tollgate Assignment

When a dispute is waiting at the Disposition tollgate, an assignment will be displayed with a "Resume Tollgate" action button.  This is a system assignment and does not require any user action.

Review Recovery Options

With the introduction of tollgates, the Review Recovery Options action has been enhanced to provide additional information to the user that is reviewing the dispute(s) to determine if recovery should be pursued.  The user will be presented with the results of any applicable chargeback rights validations, as well as any information or documentation dependencies that must be resolved before proceeding.  

Do Not Pursue Recovery

When a user decides that recovery will not be pursued and executes the Do Not Pursue Recovery action via Other Actions or the Do Not Pursue Recovery for All bulk action, they will prompted to provide a reason and the dispute(s) will route to this tollgate to wait for liability processing.  This allows users to make the decision to not pursue recovery but delay liability processing until the claim as a whole is better understood.

Resolution Tollgate

The purpose of the Resolution Tollgate is to act as a mechanism to consolidate resolved disputes to reduce the number of user touchpoints and letters generated.  When a dispute is paid, it will wait at the Resolution tollgate for all other disputes to be resolved.  

Resolution Tollgate Assignment

When a dispute is waiting at the Resolution tollgate, an assignment will be displayed with a "Resume Tollgate" action button.  This is a system assignment and does not require any user action.

Final Disposition

Once all disputes enter the Resolve step, the disputes will be processed for final disposition.  At this point, recovery has been completed where attempted.  To reduce user touchpoints and improve claim processing time, QFD will take the following actions.

    • If recovery was successful for a dispute, the dispute is paid.
    • If recovery was not attempted and all disputes where recovery was attempted were successful and the dispute is below the established recovery threshold, the dispute is paid.

Process Liability

When one, or more, disputes where not successfully recovered or recovery was not attempted and recovery attempts for other disputes were not successful, liability processing by a user is required.  A Process Liability assignment will be presented to the user and prompt them to deny or write-off the dispute.  Additionally, a Process Liability for All bulk action is available for processing the same action on all disputes that are awaiting liability processing.

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