7: Communication

7: Communication


The Communication tool provides several useful features for managing account holder correspondence including downloading and resending messages as well as manually creating new communications. All correspondence sent and received by QFD is stored here. 

Use any open claim that has an attachment to show these functions.


Step 1: Clarify the inbound/outbound messages

The upward-facing arrow indicates the correspondence is outbound, meaning it was sent from QFD. The downward-facing arrow indicates the correspondence was received by QFD from the account holder. The account holder can respond to any email sent by QFD to submit documents, request information, and answer questions.


Step 2: Explain the Date column

The Date column provides the timestamp for when the correspondence was sent or received. This timestamp does not reflect when the correspondence was generated, however. This timestamp marks the correspondence transmission attempt.


Step 3: Explain the Document column

The Document column reflects the letter/email title. 


Step 4: Explain the To column

The To column reflects the addressee.


Step 5: Explore the View Message function

The View Message button allows the user to see the correspondence content.

  • Letter Name: This is the title of the letter/email that was submitted. For a full list of letters, click here

  • Channel: This the correspondence modality - Email, Mail, or Manual.

  • To: This is the address the correspondence was sent to.

  • Status: The Status indicates whether the correspondence was sent successfully or not - Failed or Sent.

  • Status Date: This is the timestamp for when the correspondence was sent.

  • Source: This is how the correspondence was sent - Workflow or User.


Step 6: Review the options in the Other Actions

There are two additional actions the user can take in the Other Actions menu. 

  • Download Message: This function allows you to print the correspondence. 
  • Resend Message: This function allows you to send the correspondence to the account holder. 

     Click here to expand...


Step 7: Walk through sending a new letter using the Send New Letter button

Letters/emails are generated and sent as part of completing an assignment that has a required or associated communication. Showing the Send Letter function here demonstrates that users can correspond with the account holder independently of assignment work when needed. 

  1. Click the Send New Letter button

  2. Select the Documentation Request letter 

  3. Check the uploaded document under Attachments

  4. Click the Send Letter button

  5. The letter/email that was just created is viewable in the Notifications node

  6. After the letter/email has transmitted, it will be viewable in the Communication hub

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