1: Read New Correspondence

1: Read New Correspondence


The Read New Corr assignment will be present when the account holder submits an email to QFD. Account holder emails are typically a response to an outbound email from QFD. Consider if users need to notate any work relating to account holder emails, such as pasting the email into the Notes hub or follow-up actions the user had to take in response to the account holder's message. 




Use the example claim you've prepared for the walkthrough. If you were unable to create this assignment in the staging environment, use the user reference article or this page to discuss the task. 

Step 1: Click the Mark as Read button

Step 2: Review the account holder's message

Step 3: Determine which action should be taken by making a selection under the Review Document Option drop-down

  • Documentation Accepted - This option satisfies the document or information request on the case if there was one


  • Pend for Additional Required Documents - This option will prompt the agent to send a new outbound email to the account holder


  • Proceed without Documents - Completes the assignment without satisfying any document requirement on the case


The assignment can be transferred if needed (this feature may be unavailable to clients who do not use DRE)

  1. Click the Other Actions button

  2. Select Transfer Assignment


  3. Select Work Queue from the Transfer to drop-down

  4. Type the appropriate work queue per your firm in the Work Queue field 


  5. The process is complete


Step 4: Click the Apply button

Step 5: Click the Process Actions button


Other Actions

The Other Actions menu offers additional actions and information that allows the user to effectively work the task. 

Transfer Assignment

This action allows the user to assign the assignment to a specific work group. This feature is typically used by DRE analysts when working with their client. 

Re-Assign Correspondence

This action allows the user to attach the account holder's email to a different case. This feature is helpful when the account holder has multiple open cases and submitted information pertinent to a different case to the current claim the user is working. 

Mark Assignment As Unworkable

Assignments that cannot be worked due to a technical issue can be marked as unworkable. This action will move the unworkable task to the Unworkable Assignment Group where leadership can review the scenario and take steps to resolve it. 

Technical errors that require the task to be marked as unworkable include QFD not reflecting correct data or when a user takes an action on the task, the action does not process and the assignment loops. 


Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions enable users to apply action to multiple disputes at once, saving the user time. 

Bulk Take Action

This button is available when there are multiple disputes present in the selected node. The bulk action applied will impact only the disputes on the page you're currently viewing if there are multiple pages due to the number of disputed transactions. 


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