Understanding Assignment Groups
Kristafanie Somers
What are Assignment Groups?
Assignment Groups organize manual user tasks into work baskets. Work baskets are defined by how similar the tasks are to each other and how the tasks support resolution. This enables users to complete work they are familiar with and are skilled at. For example, a user who is an expert at submitting chargebacks would work the Next Recovery Deadline assignment group because the tasks in that group all involve the chargeback process.
The same task can be found in multiple Assignment Groups, but it cannot be worked by multiple users at once.
How is work prioritized?
User tasks are prioritized by days to act, which means cases that are approaching the next or final deadline will be worked first. The secondary filter is dollar amount, so work is assigned based on how soon the claim will reach the next or final regulatory or association deadline, then by the claim value in dollar amount.
How are Assignment Groups managed?
Users can only work from the Assignment Groups they have available. Managers determine which Assignment Groups their team members can work from. As little as one Assignment Group and as many as all groups can be enabled for each user.
There are Assignment Groups that should not be made available to users. These include the Manager and Unworkable assignment groups.
Assignment Groups
Using the Dashboard Assignment Group drop-down, select and explain each of the following Assignment Groups. Point to the Open Task Summary to connect the task names to their respective Assignment Group.
Daily Critical Assignments
Daily Critical assignments include failure resolution and exception work. These tasks typically require access to an external system where manual accounting adjustments can be made, and cards/accounts can be closed and reissued/reopened. Although this Assignment Group has little to no volume, it's imperative to cover how to complete these manual processes using internal systems so that users with this group are prepared.
Daily Maintenance Assignments
Daily Maintenance assignments are approachable tasks that can be assigned to most users, including those who are new to claim processing. These assignments do not require an investigation and generally do not require knowledge of regulatory requirements.
Initial Review Assignments
The Initial Review Assignment Group houses all reg-bound provisional credit review assignments. Note that QFD will issue credit automatically when required.
Next Recovery Deadline Assignments
Next Recovery Deadline assignments includes chargeback work and any task in the Daily Maintenance and Provisional Credit Review Assignment Groups that is approaching its next regulatory deadline.
Later Lifecycle Recovery Assignments
Later Lifecycle Recovery assignments are tasks that occur in the later stages of recovery including post-chargeback events such as reviewing the merchant's response, the Association's response, and initiating pre-arbitration and arbitration.
Final Investigation Deadline Assignments
Final Investigation Deadline assignments include all tasks approaching a final regulatory date. Because this assignment group reflects all tasks, users who work in this group must be trained on how to work all assignments.
Past Recovery/Reg Deadline Assignments
The Past Recovery/Reg Deadline Assignment Group contains any assignment that has past the regulatory or recovery timeframe. Because this assignment group reflects all tasks, users who work in this group must be trained to work all assignments. This assignment group will remain empty if the Final Investigation Deadline and Next Recovery assignment groups are being worked properly.
High Dollar Assignments
The High Dollar Assignment Group is only available when claims over a certain dollar amount have been configured to be worked by a specific group of analysts. If this setting is enabled, users can be assigned to this group to work high-dollar claim assignments. Because this assignment group reflects all tasks, users who work in this group must be trained to work all assignments.
Non-Regulatory Assignments
Non-Regulatory Assignment Group contains all claims that are not protected by Regulation E/Z and will filter by the oldest claim age. This assignment group ensures a line of sight to claims that don't have regulatory requirements. Because this assignment group reflects all tasks, users who work in this group must be trained to work all assignments. This is a configurable assignment group so you may not see it in your portal. Defer to your configurations to know if this group is present.
Manager Assignments
When write-off, provisional credit, and/or denial approvals are enabled, managers will complete their approval reviews using this assignment group.