Claim Page

Claim Page


The Claim Page houses important information about the case, account holder, and is place of work for back-office users. Users land on this page either by searching for a claim or being assigned work using Get Next Work. We'll cover the tools and navigation to lay the foundation. 

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The alarm bell displays important messages regarding manager approval reviews and potential claim abuse. 

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Manager approval notices:

Potential claim abuse:


Users can take actions on the case using the Actions drop-down. These actions vary by configuration and where the claim is in its lifecycle. 

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Case Assets Section

The Case Assets section reflects claim and account holder details which may be important to review as part of the investigation. 

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Case Tools

Case Tools include a collection of tools and information that users can use throughout the lifecycle of the claim.  

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Case Roll-up

The Case Roll-up is displayed at the top of the screen when viewing a case and provides users with a visual indication of where the case is in the lifecycle and what steps require action if any.  

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Claim Page Tabs

Case Tabs house manual user work, the claim history, and allow users to edit the intake questionnaire. 

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