Multiple Processing (4512)

Multiple Processing (4512)

Chargeback Reason

A single Transaction for the same amount was sent for payment multiple times.


  1. The Cardmember claims that a single Transaction appears more than once on his/her statement.
  2. The Issuer suspects that a single Transaction has been sent for payment more than once.


The Transaction that was sent first shall be considered the valid Transaction.


120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment


  • If one Acquirer is involved, the Issuer supplies support for the multiple Transactions processed.
  • If two Acquirers are involved, then the Issuer supplies a copy of the valid Transaction to the Acquirer being charged back.
  • Exclude disputes involving airline industry cases where
    • Voided tickets are pending Credit and which were reissued for a different itinerary 
    • Airline tickets with different ticket numbers.