ATM Proprietary Recovery Strategy

ATM Proprietary Recovery Strategy

When a proprietary ATM transaction is disputed in a non-fraud claim, this strategy is enabled.  When enabled, the following recovery options are available, based on the conditions described for each option.

Recovery Options

Recovery OptionDescription

ATM Balance Review

The account holder claims that they did not receive the withdraw amount requested or the correct amount deposited did not post.  This recovery option prompts a user to initiate a review of the balance in the ATM.  

Electronic Journal Review

The account holder claims that they did not receive the withdraw amount requested or the correct amount deposited did not post.  This recovery option prompts a user to initiate a review of the electronic journal.

Check Item Processing Review

The account holder claims that a deposited check did not post for the correct amount.  This recovery option prompts a user to initiate a check item processing review.  

Encoding Error Review

The account holder claims that a deposited check did not post for the correct amount.  This recovery option prompts a user to initiate a review for encoding errors.  


Remove recovery options that are not applicable to your organization.  (ATMProprietary)