Car Rental Charge Non-Qualified or Unsubstantiated (4750)

Car Rental Charge Non-Qualified or Unsubstantiated (4750)

Chargeback Reason

Cardmember was incorrectly charged for car rental damage, theft, loss of use, or other extraordinary fees related to the damage, theft, or loss of use.


The Issuer may charge back a Transaction using this ISO code under one (1) of the following circumstances:

  1. The Cardmember was charged for car rental damage and one (1) of the following applies:
    1. The merchant failed to comply with the requirements of Section, “Capital Damages to Rental Vehicles - Charge Submission Requirements,”.
    2. The Transaction amount charged to the Cardmember was more than 15% above the amount established in the specific estimate of the capital damages, or
    3. The Cardmember purchased the car rental merchant’s collision, loss, or theft insurance.


One of the following conditions must exist for Chargebacks processed under this ISO Code:

  1. The amount to be charged back is the full amount of the Transaction, or
  2. The amount to be charged back is the amount that exceeded 15% over the specific estimate of the capital damages agreed to by the Cardmember. 


120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment


As applicable, the Issuer must provide the following for Chargebacks processed under this ISO code:

  • Issuer Declaration that indicates the Chargeback description.
  • If the Transaction amount exceeds the estimated amount by more than 15%, a copy of the specific estimate of the capital damages agreed to by the Cardmember, showing the amount agreed upon with the car rental merchant.
  • If the Cardmember purchased the merchant’s collision, loss, or theft insurance - Documentation that proves the Cardmember purchased, and was charged for the  car rental merchant’s collision, loss, or theft insurance.
  • If the Cardmember was charged for theft or loss of use of the vehicle - Documentation that proves the Cardmember was charged for theft or loss of use of the vehicle.

Document Requirements

  • Copy of Rental Agreement - Always required for this chargeback reason.
  • Estimated Damages Documentation - Required when the Cardmember required a quote for the cost of the estimated damages.