American Express Pending Chargeback Response

American Express Pending Chargeback Response

When the dispute enters the American Express Pending Chargeback Response flow the first assignment that will be hit is Pending Amex Response to pend for American Express to accept/reject the chargeback.  Once the chargeback is accepted it will continue in the workflow and record the acceptance as a recovery action.  The chargeback accounting will take place in the Post Dispute Processing flow then the system will check if documents need to be attached in Network Dispute Manager.  If documents are required the dispute will be routed to a user workbasket for the action to be completed.  The dispute will then move into the Pending Acquirer Response assignment.  The acquirer can respond with either a Second Presentment or Inbound Good Faith.  When no response is received a assignment will be created for user review.  The primary flow action off of the Pending Acquirer Response assignment will be Chargeback Response Received which will record a Second Presentment.  A user can also manually record a Inbound Good Faith via a secondary flow action.  When automation is enabled the system can automatically resume the Chargeback Response Received when a Second Presentment has been received.     
