Late Presentment (4536)

Late Presentment (4536)

Chargeback Reason

Presentment was not submitted by the Acquirer and accepted by the AEGN within the required timeframe.


The Network Processing Date of the First Presentment is:

  1. More than thirty (30) days but less than 181 days after the Transaction Date, and the Account is blocked or closed, or
  2. More than 180 days after the Transaction Date.

The Transaction may or may not have been authorized by the Issuer, depending upon the Transaction amount and any applicable Network Floor Limit. Whether the Transaction was authorized or not, if the Issuer fails in its effort to collect from the Cardmember, the Transaction may be charged back.


  1. A failed effort in good faith has been made by the Issuer to collect payment on the Transaction in dispute, and
  2. For a closed card, the Card Account must be added to the Exception File no later than the Network Processing Date of the Chargeback.


120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment


The Issuer must provide the Transaction Date contained in the original Presentment.


ValidationValueLogicAssociated Rule(s)
Within association window for submitting the chargebackTrue120 days from the Network Processing Date of the PresentmentHasChargebackWindowExpired

Is Eligible for 4536 Late Presentment

  • Is Late Presentment Claim Reason
  • Is a POS transaction
  • Transaction Amount > $25
  • Claim Reason = MerchantLatePresentment AND
  • IsPOSTransaction_A = true AND
  • Transaction Amount > $25

Related Questionnaires

Amex Late Presentment Questionnaire