Record Acquirer ResponseThe primary action prompts the user to record the response received from the acquirer. The user will be prompted to complete the below fields. - Acquirer Response - The user should select the appropriate response received.
- Second Presentment Reason - The user should select the second presentment reason from the drop down of reasons.
- Notes - The user should include any additional details captured from Network Dispute Manager
- Did the acquirer provide documentation? - The user should answer the Yes/No question based on if documents were received. If documents were received they should be attached to the case.
- Response Date - The user should indicate what date the response was received.
Inbound Good FaithThis flow action is available from the Other Actions menu and will prompt the user to record the inbound good faith. The user will be prompted to complete the below fields. - Good Faith Reason - The user should select the second presentment reason from the drop down of reasons.
- Response Date - The user should indicate what date the response was received.
- Good Faith Amount - The user should enter the amount of the good faith.
- Notes - The user should include any additional details captured from Network Dispute Manager
- Did the acquirer provide documentation? - The user should answer the Yes/No question based on if documents were received. If documents were received they should be attached to the case.
No Response ReceivedThis flow action is available from the Other Actions menu and will resolve the dispute as paid. |