Assignment groups exclude system and pending assignment assignments and only include assignments requiring action. Each assignment group is prioritized based on its function.
Daily Critical Assignments are assignments that have a direct impact to customeron customers/members and/or the financial institution. The volume in this Assignments Group should be completed daily. It is recommended that users assigned to this Assignment Group has have access to external systems.
Daily Maintenance Assignments are common assignments that can be assigned to most QFD users. It is recommended that the volume in this Assignment Group is completed Daily.
Final Regulatory Deadline assignments contain all assignments approaching a final regulatory date. This assignment group pulls by approaching prioritizes by how soon claims will reach the regulatory deadline and then by the claim amount. The volume in this Assignment Group pulls from the primary workflow. Managers should review the dashboard daily to ensure all claims that are approaching the final regulatory are reviewed prior to a loss being taken and QFD issuing a final credit automatically when required. If an assignment is not completed prior to the final regulatory date, the assignment will be removed from this Assignment Group and can be found in the Past Reg/Recovery Deadline Assignment Group.
Non-Regulatory assignments contain all claims that are not protected by Regulation E/Z and will filter by the oldest claim age. This Assignment Group ensures a line of sight to claims without a regulatory impact.
The Provisional Credit Review Assignment Group contains all provisional credit review assignments by the PC Reg deadline date. Managers should review the dashboard daily to ensure claims approaching the PC deadline date are reviewed prior to a credit being issued. (Note: The system will issue credit automatically when required.)
A user can flag any assignment as unworkable which will prevent it from being pulled from any other assignment groups. This should be given to Managers/Experienced users as a secondary assignment group. In the event it cannot be resolved it can be escalated via a support ticket to be reviewed by Quavo.
The below assignments are excluded from the Final Regulatory and Next Recovery Date Assignments Groups as they are not in the primary workflow. These assignments are not directly related to resolving a dispute and are spin-off assignments from the primary work flowworkflow. A An example would be "Account Maintenance Service Failed" , while assignment. While this is a an important assignment, it does not prevent a chargeback from going out and will not prevent a loss due to regulatory timelines expiring.