Work Management Dashboard(s)
Understanding the Dashboard
Managers can use the Work Management Dashboard to review the overall health of the Assignment Group. Each Assignment Group has its own dashboard view managers can toggle between to prioritize work queues.
There are four main sections to the manager's dashboard view. Click on the links below to understand each section of the dashboard:
Get Next Work Section (1)
Similar to the functionality today, clicking Get next work will present the most urgent assignment to the user. The dashboard Get Next Work allows users to select between Assignment Groups they have assigned to their operator. Managers can update the users operator and add multiple Assignments Groups through the Admin Portal.
When an Assignment Group is completed, the operator can click on the Get Next Work dropdown and select a new Assignment Group to pull the most urgent work.
Assignment Group Section (2)
The Assignment Group section allows managers to toggle between Assignment Groups. Managers can utilize this dropdown to update the Assignment Summary/Details view to look at key details for the selected Assignment Group.
Assignment Summary/Details Section (3)
The Assignment Summary/Details section provides managers with key details for the selected Assignment Group. This section of the dashboard has four tabs available to see a summary of the Assignment Group queue, a list of all available tasks in the Assignment Group, the prioritized list of assignments in the group, and a list of all work from that group that is currently locked by an operator.
Summary Tab
The Summary tab provides managers a view of the following:
- Total Number of Claims/Tasks in the Assignment Group
Operators can hover over the bar graph to see the total of number of claims/tasks due. In the example below there are 31 claims/47 tasks due in 9 days.
Managers can utilize this information to facilitate their team to clear the queues and avoid missing any due date of an assignment.
All Tasks
The All Tasks tab provides a list of all tasks in the selected assignment group. This list is prioritized by the task due date and shows the order in which the tasks will be assigned.
Assigned Work
The Assigned Work tab provides a list of all assignments currently locked and being completed by a user in the selected assignment group.
Dashboard Details (4)
The Dashboard Details section provides a list of details for the Assignment Group. Each section can be expanded to provide managers a better understanding of the volume in the queue.
The Team section will display all the operators assigned to the selected Assignment Group.
Managers can click on the
icon to see the operator Assignment Group configurations.Open Tasks
The Open Tasks tab provides a summary of all open tasks in the selected assignment group.
The Filters tab allows users to select a date range to update specific sections of the dashboard. The default date range is set to assignments/tasks due within the next 7 days. If the filter is update the following tabs will reflect the change:
- Completed By User - Claims
- Completed By User - Tasks
- Incoming Tasks
- Open Tasks
Completed By User
The Completed by User section shows how many task/assignments have been completed by a user in the selected assignment group.
Completed By Users - Tasks
The Completed by Users - Tasks shows the number of tasks/assignments completed and the number completed by each user.
Incoming Tasks
The Incoming Tasks section shows the volume of incoming assignments over a defined date range set in the filter section.
Open Task (Filtered)
The Open Task (Filtered) section shows the volume of open assignments in the defined date range set in the filter section.