Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | qvo-stg | |
Key | UserId | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | | |
User Details | IsAllowedAllClients | BOOLEAN | | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | ClientsCSV | VARCHAR(256) | glossary_descriptionfalse | CONDITIONAL | P4114,P2870,P6839,P711,P531,P713 | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | FirstName | VARCHAR(64) | Users First Name | CONDITIONAL | Devan | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | LastName | VARCHAR(64) | Users Last Name | CONDITIONAL | Robertson | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | UserRoles[].Name/USERROLE | VARCHAR(128) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | QFD_User | |
User Details | ISUSERDISABLED | BOOLEAN | Indicates if the user has been disabled. | CONDITIONALS | TRUE, FALSE | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | ISUSERAVAILABLETORECEIVEWORK | BOOLEAN | Indicates if the user is configured to receive work via Get Next Work. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE, FALSE | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | ISCLIENTUSER | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the user is a client user. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE, FALSE | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKREGULATORYMODE | VARCHAR(32) | Indicates the regulatory work mode applied. | CONDITIONAL | "Reg Only", "Non Reg Only", "Both" | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKROUTINGMODE | VARCHAR(32) | Indicates whether the user receives work based on general workgroups or specific assignment groups. | CONDITIONAL | "Workgroup", "Assignment Group" | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKHIGHDOLLARMODE | VARCHAR(32) | Indicates the regulatory work mode applied. | CONDITIONAL | “Low Dollar”, “High Dollar”, “Both” | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKALLOWEDACCOUNTTYPESCSV | VARCHAR(3000) | Comma-separated list of specific account types the user is configured to work. | CONDITIONAL | "CreditCard","Deposit" | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKALLOWEDCLAIMTYPESCSV | VARCHAR(3000) | Comma-separated list of specific claim types the user is configured to work. | CONDITIONAL | "ACH","ATMDEP","ATMWD","BalanceTransfer","BillPay","Card","CardPinless","CardPinned","Check","ConvenienceCheck","P2P","RTP","Unknown","Wire","Zelle" | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKALLOWEDCLAIMREASONTYPESCSV | VARCHAR(3000) | Comma-separated list of specific claim reasons the user is configured to work. | CONDITIONAL | "AccountMerchService","NonFraudATM","AuthChargeback","BalanceTransfer","BillPay","ConvenienceCheck","NonFraud","Fraud","FraudAccountIssue","NonFraudIncorrect","NonFraudMissing","MerchantNotRecognized","NonFraudRevoked" | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | WORKALLOWEDASSIGNMENTGROUPSCSV | VARCHAR(3000) | Comma-separated list of specific assignment groups the user is configured to work. | CONDITIONAL | Daily Critical Assignments,Daily Maintenance Assignments,Final Investigation Deadline Assignments,High Dollar Assignments,Initial Review Assignments,Later Lifecycle Recovery Assignments,Manager Assignments,Next Recovery Deadline Assignments,Non Reg Assignments,Past Recovery/Reg Deadline Assignments,Unworkable Assignments | Added in 25.01. |
Work Details | ASSIGNMENTSCSV | VARCHAR(3000) | Comma-separated list of specific assignments the user is configured to work. | | "Initial Investigation","Provisional Credit Review" | Added in 25.01. |
Metadata | CreateDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | UpdateDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | EventDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Metadata | EventIdentifier | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | 70b1c86d-d06f-4c93-bab2-0e938a4ef768 | |
Metadata | EventItemId | VARCHAR(64) | glossary_descriptionfalse | ALWAYS | qvo-stg| | |