When an operator record is saved, an event is generated that includes details about the operator. This is useful for referencing from other event data, such as Completed Actions, for retrieving additional details about the user that completed the action, such as the user’s name.
Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | Unique ID associated with each Quavo client. | ALWAYS | qvo-stg |
Key | UserId | VARCHAR(64) | A unique ID representing a single client. | ALWAYS | devan.robertson@quavo.com |
User Details | IsAllowedAllClients | BOOLEAN |
| CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | ClientsCSV | VARCHAR(256) | Comma-separated list of Client IDs. Generally seen when viewing user records to identify the clients the user has access to. | CONDITIONAL | P4114,P2870,P6839,P711,P531,P713 | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | FirstName | VARCHAR(64) | Users First Name | CONDITIONAL | Devan | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | LastName | VARCHAR(64) | Users Last Name | CONDITIONAL | Robertson | Only applicable when configured. |
User Details | UserRoles[].Name/USERROLE | VARCHAR(128) | List of User Groups assigned to a user profile. | ALWAYS | QFD_User |
Metadata | CreateDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The datetime that a record was created. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Metadata | UpdateDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The datetime that a record was updated. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Metadata | EventDateTime | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The datetime that the event was recorded. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Metadata | EventIdentifier | VARCHAR(64) | A unique ID associated with each business event. | ALWAYS | 70b1c86d-d06f-4c93-bab2-0e938a4ef768 |
Metadata | EventItemId | VARCHAR(64) | An ID included with each business event that identifies the tenant and Claim ID or Dispute ID associated with the event. | ALWAYS | qvo-stg|devan.robertson@quavo.com |